World Book Day


Good Afternoon.

We hope you have all had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend.

Next week marks a very exciting time in our school calendar, with World Book Day on, 4th March.

Sharing stories and books are so valuable as part of a child’s development.  Not only in supporting skills in Literacy but, to spark imagination and stimulate curiosity while building social skills and communication skills.

Reading stories with children has benefits for grown-ups too. The special time you spend reading together promotes bonding and helps to build your relationship with your child.

We will be marking World Book Day next week, both in school and remotely. On 4th March – Our theme of the day for all children (and staff) will be “Pyjamas all the way for St.Joseph’s World Book Day!”. Nursery- P3 are asked to come to school wearing pyjamas and P4-7 children should wear pyjamas when accessing their learning from home!

  • We will be running a Potato Book Character Competition for ALL children to take part in, including the nursery. More information to follow next week from class teachers.  Nursery-P3 will be provided with potatoes and craft materials in school while the families of our P4-7 children, may like organise buying  some potatoes in preparation.

There will be ongoing events in school and online throughout the week to get involved in.  Why don’t you share some of your ideas with us and upload them to TEAMS?

We look forward to seeing your Potato characters!

As always, children will receive a World Book Day Token that they can use at participating bookshops.  This year, it will be distributed electronically.
Take care and stay safe.
St. Joseph’s Staff Team
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Good morning,

It was great to welcome our P1-P3 pupils back to school today.  The children are all settled and are enjoying being back in class with their friends and teacher.  Thank you also, to the parents, for maintaining the required 2m distance and not congregating at the school gates.  Please continue to do so, to prevent the spread of the virus and to keep us all safe.

A reminder, that when you are collecting your child at the end of the day, you follow the same format as you did before the holidays and wait until you are called forward to collect your child.  Only one person is permitted to collect their child.  We ask that you also respect the safety of the staff, by maintaining a 2m physical distance at all times.  We regret that staff are unable to chat with parents when handing over children.  If for any reason, you do require to speak to your child’s teacher, please call the school office on, 01501 740452 and arrangements will be made for your child’s teacher to call you back.

Again, thank you for your continued support and understanding at this time.



Good Morning, and hope you all had a lovely weekend.

We hope that you are all enjoying the activities posted on the Journals each week.  There has been lots of engagement and positive feedback. Thank you for this.  It is our aim to engage with parents/carers about their child’s learning as often as possible and for that reason, we ask that you continue to interact with the daily tasks.  It is great to see parents/ carers giving a ‘thumbs up’, commenting or sharing pictures of what they have been doing at home.

As we are unable to see the children every day, we are unable to observe the learning through our usual interactions with them.  For that reason, we ask that when you are interacting with the Journals, that you leave a comment about the learning.   For example, tell us your child managed to count to 6, missed out 7 then continued to 11, that they could tell you what they think might happen next in the story, that they had more peas on their plate than chips.  All these little things allow us to build a picture of where your child is in their learning, record it and plan for next steps.

If you would like to speak to a member of staff about this please don’t hesitate to contact the school on, 01501 740452.

Take care and stay safe.

The Nursery Team


Star Count

This year, between the 6th and 14th of February, begins the Dark Skies campaign, carried out by CPRE- The Countryside Charity.  Families are invited to take part in the annual star count census to help monitor the changes in light pollution.

We would love you to get involved and share some photographs with us.

Below is the link to the registration page where you will be able to download the  pack. It is filled with lots of activities, for the whole family to enjoy!




Online Safety

Good afternoon, We hope you are all well.

Just to remind all parents that Seesaw and TEAMS are not appropriate channels for communication between the school and parents.  In order for them to remain safe zones for our pupils, they are child only.   All communication with the school should be done through e-mail at, or phone on, 01501 740452, where we will be happy to assist.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support, at this time.

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