Remember tonight – Wednesday 30th January 2019 For one night only! Resilience – The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope. Don’t miss the opportunity to join the discussion with Suzanne Zeedyk (Author and Research Scientist in the field of child development). It would be great to have at least one person from each family to join representatives of the local and wider community.
Author: Mr Toner
Resilience The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope
St Joseph’s Primary School present a community screening of “Resilience, The biology of stress and the science of hope. On Wednesday the 30th January from 6.00pm – 8.00pm with a discussion led by Suzanne Zeedyk in St Joseph’s Primary School, Gateside Road, Whitburn EH47 0NJ.
See the attached poster. Resilience poster school St Joseph[1] (1)
Burn’s Celebration
Christmas Fayre – Everyone A Winner!
Many thanks to everyone who supported our Christmas Fayre! There was a fantastic turnout. It was great to see so many people here. The amount raised so far is just over £1,400 which is an amazing total. Parent Council and Nursery figures are still to be finalised. Christmas Crafts will be available to purchase at the Christmas Concert on Friday.
The Prize winners were as follows:
The Entry Raffle:
- Mr Melia (Kate Primary 4)
- Ms Gillian McCulloch (Georgia P1/2)
- Mrs M Switkowska (Aniela P5)
Guess the number of sweets in the jar: 248 was Maisie P3/4
Guess the Build –a – Bear’s birthday was the 22nd of June – Guessed by Ava P5 and Maci
Guess the Random Number for a Kindle was number 57 – Jenson – Nursery
The Christmas Tree 50/50
Ms G McCulloch won 17.50 in the green Christmas tree magic square draw a Mrs C Cherry won £15 on the red.
If you have not received your prize please contact the school office.
Christmas Carols from St Joseph’s Choir
Well done to our Choir! Let them bring you some Christmas cheer. Watch and listen to them on the West Lothian website.
Which is your favourite?
Safety Reminder
For the safety of our children, no parents should be in the playgrounds at any time.
Thank you for you for your continued support in this matter.
Frances Burns
Christmas Newsletter
Christmas newsletter
Christmas Diary Dates
December Diary Dates
St Joseph’s Primary
Tuesday 4th December’18 SSPCA visit for a whole school Assembly
Friday 7th December ’18 Christmas Fayre 11.00am -12-15pm
Tuesday 11th December’18 Christmas Lunch (Pupils)
On the day of Christmas lunch children can wear a Christmas jumper on top of school uniform.
Tuesday 11th December’18 School Choir to visit Redmill care home to entertain the residents.
Tuesday 11th December ’18 Last week for all before and after school clubs.
Wednesday 12th December ’18 School Pantomime, Cumbernauld Theatre.
Bus leaving the school at 12.00pm for a 1.00pm start and return at approximately 3.45pm
Friday 14th December ’18 School Concert 10.00am. Doors will open at 9.45am
Monday 17th December ’18 Primary 1 / 2 Christmas Parties.
Children who are going home to change for their parties can be collected at the main entrance at 12.00pm.
Tuesday 18h December ’18 Primary 3 / 4 Christmas Parties
Children who are going home to change for their parties can be collected at the main entrance at 12.00pm.
Wednesday 19th December ’18 Nursery Christmas Parties
Thursday 20th December ’18 Primary 5 / 6 Christmas Parties 9.00am-10.30am
Primary 7 Christmas party 1.15pm-2.30pm
Children who are going home to change for their parties can be collected at the main entrance at 12.00pm.
Friday 21st December ‘18 Mass and carols in St Joseph’s church at 10.00am
Friday 21st December ’18 School Closes at 12.20pm for Christmas Holidays Monday 7th January ’19 School Re-opens for school staff and children.
Download here: December diary dates (1)
Nursery Newsletter
Find attached our nursery newsletter with lots of information and important dates in the lead up to Christmas!
Primary 6 Sumdog
Here are P6 engrossed in their Sumdog challenge.
13th place, 29 of the class participating as part of 1878 students who answered 298837 questions correctly. Well done to them.
Keep using Sumdog at home and in school whenever you get the opportunity!