Mass will be celebrated in school on Thursday the 28th of November at 10.00am.
We will celebrate the Mass for the feast of St Andrew although his feast falls on Saturday 30th.
Everyone is invited to wear some tartan.
All Saints mass will be celebrated in the school today. It will take place in the school hall at 10.00am.
The school telephone is unavailable today. If you need to contact the school urgently please come to the school office. Thank you
School Mass
School Mass this month will be a Memorial Mass for Mary Prior. It will take place in St Joseph’s Church at 10.00 am on Thursday 29th August 2019. All are welcome to attend.
Mary Prior was Head Teacher of St Joseph’s until 2006. Please pass on this information to former pupils, former parents or staff who you know, who may wish to attend.
The Leavers Mass takes place tomorrow Tuesday 24 of June at 10.00am in the school hall. We look forward to their families and invited guests joining us. Mass will be followed by tea before the Leavers Assembly.
Do you remember the colour of your “House”?
Have you been clearing out your wardrobe or thinking about it?
On Monday there will be a RAG BAG collection from the school.
You should have received a bag with all of the information but if you have not you can use any bag. Just check the Rag Bag site to answer all of your questions. The main items they collect are
Thank you for all your contributions.
Just a taste of some of the fun and challenges! More photos on Twitter.