IMPORTANT NEWS – Titanic Detective Agency

Primary 5/4 and Primary 6/5 – DATE FOR YOUR DIARY

We are delighted that the author of our class novel, Lindsay Littleson, is joining us on Monday 11th May at 1pm in our “Titanic Team” She has kindly agreed to read a chapter from her book and will hold a question and answer session with the children afterwards.

We hope to be joined by as many children from P6/5 and P5/4 as possible.

If you are in P6/5 or P5/4 and you have not managed to get into Teams please contact the school

School Uniform for 2020-2021

Our uniform suppliers have asked us to pass on this message:

We have been busy adding all the schools we supply to our website, so all parents can now order their back to school uniform online with home delivery. Our head office and factory is still currently closed, but we’d like to encourage parents to get their order in sooner rather than later to help slow the back to school rush. We hope to return to work from the 18th May, when we will begin shipping our online orders.

Parents can find their schools online shop by using this link – Please could you help us promote our online service to parents who wouldn’t usually buy their uniform online so everyone is made aware they can still get it whilst schools and our 6 retail stores are temporarily closed. Our online cut off date for guaranteed back to school delivery is the 20th July 2020.

We hope all staff and pupils are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time. If you have any queries at all, please get in touch with us via email

Our School site is: 

Education City / Puffin Academy

I know lots of people have been using Education City. I hope you are all getting on well with it.

Education City is becoming more and more Tablet friendly however you may come across activities that will not load. This is where Puffin Academy comes in. I have attached some info about how to use Education City with Puffin Academy.



Removing Autopayments in ipayimpact.

Some parents may have set up the autopay function within ipayimpact to allow for regular payments to be made into school meals or school fund trips.

Please see attached guidance advising parents on how to deactivate the function to ensure that no further instalments are paid into these funds.

See attached PDF for further information

Removing Auto Pay in iPayimpact (003)

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