Your Space Scotland at St Joseph’s

Dear Parent/Carers,

I am writing to inform you that St Joseph’s Primary School work with a provision called Your Space to improve the confidence and well-being of children and young people.

Your Space at St Joseph’s will provide emotional and therapeutic support to pupils, families, and staff. The service offers pupils some space to express themselves through talking and creative work and to think about any worries that they may have.

Lunchtime Drop in

One of the most popular aspects on offer at St Joseph’s will be the lunchtime drop-in. Lunchtime drop-in is open to all pupils and allows them to make an appointment to spend 15 minutes with a member of Your Space, either by themselves or with a group of friends. Pupils often talk about friendships or any worries they may have.

 Parental Consent

Unless we hear otherwise from you, the school and Your Space will assume that pupils have their parent/carer’s permission to come along if they so choose. We also assume that you are happy for the school to share with Your Space, your child’s name, date of birth, gender and ethnicity for evaluation purposes, this information will be stored securely and anonymised.

Please contact Natalie Gibb from Your Space at St Joseph’s should you have any questions. Alternatively, if you do not want your child to participate in lunchtime drop-in, you may complete the return slip by Wednesday  2nd September

I do not want my child to participate in Your Space at St Joseph’s


Name of child______________________ Class_____________


Name of parent/carer__________________________________


Signature__________________________ Date_____________

If you have difficulty reading this or wish to print out the letter please download the document below.

Your Space at St Joseph’s2

Glow Logins

Please be aware that from this week;

All Glow users will soon be prompted to change their password the next time they login to Glow. It is envisaged that this will become an annual process which will occur at the beginning of each academic year.

This change is being applied for all Glow users across Scotland.

If you have any devices at home which have saved login details they will need to be updated. The pupil who resets their own password is the only person who will know their password and this should be kept secure. The school does not hold a record of pupil passwords.

Can I remind parents that:

While parents are encouraged to view and discuss learning content at the shoulder of their child, pupils should never share passwords with parents or anyone else.

Cyber security best practice suggests all Glow users should do the following: 

  • Keep your password to yourself
  • Never let anyone else access Glow using your account details
  • Never access the system with another user’s login details
  • Always choose a password in line with the guidance found here:
  • Always choose “no” when prompted to save your password on a device which you share with others
  • Always sign out fully from your Glow session when no longer using it 

Pupils should report any concerns related to access to their login details and should understand how to change their password. As with all aspects of Glow use pupils should report concerns to a trusted adult or use, Report a Concern available across all Glow services.

Parents must not use a pupils’ Glow account to contact the school or your child’s teacher.

All communications should be through the school email or by telephone.

Sumdog Challenge – Come on St Joseph’s

Welcome to the contest!

Sumdog’s West Lothian is now underway.

As it progresses, you’ll find the latest scores on the leaderboards:

Contest leaderboards

In case it’s useful, we’ve got some helpful support pages showing you how to play:

How to play

We hope you all enjoy the contest! If you would like to enter more classes, you can still do so:

Manage your entry

Best of luck to St Joseph’s Primary !

Apply for Clothing Grant, Free School Meals and Free Milk

If you have not applied for Free School Meals, Milk and Clothing Grant check out the information below:

Families in receipt of the following will be eligible for Free School Meals and a Clothing Grant:

  • Income Support / Pension Credit
  • Income-based Jobseekers’ Allowance
  • Any Income-Related element of Employment and Support Allowance
  • Working Tax Credit and/or Child Tax Credit with an annual income of £7,330 or less
  • Universal Credit where “take-home pay” does not exceed £610.

Families in receipt of the following will be eligible for a Clothing Grant only

  • Working Tax Credit and/or Child Tax Credit with an annual income of £16,105 or less
  • Universal Credit where “take-home pay” does not exceed £1,342.

All children in primary 1, 2 and 3 will receive free school lunches, regardless of financial circumstances, however families who are in receipt of the above benefits should complete an application to ensure their child receives free milk and a clothing grant.

School Pupils

Applications can be made by completing our online form. You may need to send us evidence of your benefits to support your application. Any Tax Credit Award Notices should show a confirmed income for 2019/2020.

Emails/letters from Education Services and school Group Call texts will be sent to parents, as a reminder to apply, however applications can be made at any time. We will contact families directly if we already know they are in receipt of a qualifying benefit.

Nursery Children

If your child attends one of our early learning and childcare establishments for full day provision, and you are eligible for free school meals, a lunch will be provided on the days your child attends. You can apply using the link below;

Clothing grants are not paid to children attending early learning and childcare.


Report a Glow concern
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