We were joined by Graeme Binnie from West Lothian College, who kindly delivered his award winning woodwork workshop with our P1 class. Children had the opportunity to draw a picture then, under adult supervision, use woodworking tools and timber to turn their drawing into a woodwork sculpture.
Author: Mr Neale
STEAM Week Activities
Despite the weather, St Joseph’s STEAM week continued today with our P1-P4 classes taking part in school based EcosySTEM activities. We constructed some shelters which animals could live in, we created ‘gutter runs’, we had coding activities in the library and some classes even created spaghetti based construction models.
STEAM Week – Parent Speakers
St Joseph’s STEAM Week
This week in St Joseph’s we are celebrating STEAM week. Today we were joined by Tomasz, Ross and Gordon from West Lothian College. We learned about pneumatics and had the opportunity to create our own circuits using air powered compressors to use a piston. Our P3/4 and P4 classes learned about air powered cars and created their own moving models.
Please note there has been a slight change to our EcosySTEMs event, which is due to take place on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd May. P2/3 will now attend the park on Wednesday 22nd and P6/7 will go on Thursday 23rd. Please ensure your child has returned their permission slip to the school and is wearing weather appropriate clothing, including footwear.
Share the Learning Event
A big thank you to everyone who was able to make it along to our ‘Share the Learning’ parent-pupil event yesterday. The children really enjoyed welcoming you to their classrooms, sharing their work with you and taking part in some fun activities together. Our next parent-pupil event will take place on Monday 17th June 2024.
P6 Pedalling at Polkemmet Park
Over recent weeks, our P6s have been working with Shani from Sustrans Scotland to develop our Bikeability skills. Today we applied these skills while taking part in a group ride within our local area. We cycled as a group to Polkemmet park, saw some of the points of interest within the park then took part in a scavenger hunt.
Share the Learning Parent Event – Wednesday 1st May
On Wednesday 1st May, St Joseph’s Primary will be hosting a ‘Share the Learning’ event within the school. Our learners are eager to welcome all parents to their classrooms on that afternoon so as to share some of the wonderful learning they have done over the past term. There will also be time for some short activities which you can do alongside your child. The event begins at 2pm, all classes will be participating.
If you have children in different classes, please feel free to move between classes during this event.