Please note there has been a slight change to our EcosySTEMs event, which is due to take place on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd May. P2/3 will now attend the park on Wednesday 22nd and P6/7 will go on Thursday 23rd. Please ensure your child has returned their permission slip to the school and is wearing weather appropriate clothing, including footwear.

P6 had lots of fun taking part in our Active Schools Cross Country event at Whitburn Academy. We challenged ourselves to complete the course in our best possible time and enjoyed meeting children from other schools in our local area.


Share the Learning Parent Event – Wednesday 1st May

On Wednesday 1st May, St Joseph’s Primary will be hosting a ‘Share the Learning’ event within the school. Our learners are eager to welcome all parents to their classrooms on that afternoon so as to share some of the wonderful learning they have done over the past term. There will also be time for some short activities which you can do alongside your child. The event begins at 2pm, all classes will be participating.

If you have children in different classes, please feel free to move between classes during this event.

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