The primary 7’s have had a busy few weeks with their buddies. We have been reading, playing snakes and ladders and today we all went on a minibeast hunt!
A sad day in p3/4 today as it was the chicks last day with us. We have learned a lot with them in our classroom and it won’t be the same without them. To say goodbye we built them an obstacle course and gave them their favourite treat (toast). We also had fun reading them a story 🐣
After a weekend away from school, the chicks were delighted to be back with p3/4. We noticed that some of the chicks have started to feather, especially around their wings!
Another busy day for us in p3/4 as all 10 of our eggs have now hatched! We now have 5 boys and 5 girls. Today was also the first day we got to hold them 🐣