St John Ogilvie RC Primary

P1S January 2016


In literacy we have started to learn the new sounds for Block 2, we are showing lots of confidence in making words on our magnetic boards.  In the morning we are all eager to write lots of words on our whiteboards and some of us are even beginning to write sentences.  As part of our literacy work we are putting sentences in the correct order.  We know the word with the capital letter comes at the beginning and the word with the full stop is at the end.  We need to make sure the sentence makes sense!  Sometimes Miss Stebbing gets muddled up and we have to help her.  In writing we are using our sounds and finger spaces correctly.  We have written instructions for putting on a space suit, made a list of ten things we would take to space and we wrote about a scripture reading we heard in RE called The Widow’s Mite.  Miss Stebbing chose some star writers and they got to share their writing with the other classes.  We have been learning Scots words using the Gruffalo and the Graffalo’s Wean to help us.  Ask us all the new words we have learned.

In maths we are still practising our counting to 20 (forwards and backwards) and making sure we are writing the numbers the right way round.  We have been looking at numbers before and after and also using the words more and fewer when comparing two numbers.  We have learned the number words to ten and we will keep practising these to become even more confident.  As part of our work on addition we have been using a special adding machine.  We also know different words for add.

In health and wellbeing we have been learning about the needs of a baby.  We were very lucky to have a visit from Alex’s mum and his baby sister.  We got to ask lots of questions and see what she needs to keep her healthy.  We have enjoyed looking after the dolls in the house corner.  In PE we are learning new skills in gymnastics and we have enjoyed using the ‘big’ equipment to show our new skills.

In science we have been learning about how toys work and we sorted them into groups using the words ‘push’, ‘pull’ and ‘twist’.

Our new topic is all about space and we are all very excited about this topic.  We have a space station in our classroom, complete with astronaut costumes.  We learned all about rocket launches and the different parts of a space suit.  We have watched videos of Tim Peake from his twitter page and made beautiful planet artwork when we had to blend using the chalk pastels.


There are some technical difficulties when uploading photographs so these will be added when it is all sorted out.

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