Primary 2 – 4.6.20

Good afternoon everyone. How are you getting on?

This afternoon can you think about what you are thankful for? Watch this video to help you


There are lots of things that might come to mind. Try to write/draw as many as you can by completing the jar below…


Challenges Kit PDF (ages 5-12) | Self esteem activities ...


Remember to email photos of your work to me at

Have fun, Mrs Reid


Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,

Today you are going to be practising counting forwards.

Below is a Hundred square that you can use if you like.

  1. Can you practise counting up to 100 in 1’s
  2. Can you find the number e.g. find number 87?
  3. What number comes after e.g. after 63? is 64.
  4. What number comes 2 after e.g 2 after 45 is 47.

Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 3 Activities

Good afternoon


I would like you to click on the link below and try to answer the challenge questions.

Next I would like you to click on the link below and watch the video about the 5 times table and then complete the activities.

Please remember there is a challenge on Sumdog and you also have details to log onto Education City.


The full instructions and all the science behind it are all in the clip. It is loads of fun!!
If you don’t have all the materials you can be creative.
Mr McCrudden


Today I would like you to create your own 3D farm, you may wish to use junk materials, lego, toys or anything else you can think of that you have around your home.

Daily Daft

Mrs Docherty

P1 Literacy and Science

Good Morning P1,

For Literacy this morning we are going to look at blending again. In class you looked at code breakers. Here is a code breaker using emoji’s and the sh sound. Can you find out the sounds and blending them together?

For Science this morning, we would like you to make a beanstalk using any items you have in your home. Could be lego, bricks or junk. How tall can you make it?

Remember, you can email us all your pictures to,

We can’t wait to see them.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

Primary 2 – Thursday 4th June

Good morning everyone. How are you all today? Here are your tasks for this morning.


Choose a book to read with an adult in your house. Read it together and answer the questions below

  1. Who were the main characters?
  2. List 3 events that happened in the story
  3. What happened first in the story?
  4. Where did the story take place?
  5. What is the book about?

In your jotter can you draw your favourite part of the story and write a sentence about it?


Practice writing your tricky words. Write them in chalk on the ground, in your jotter, in play-doh, using pasta, using stones outside etc



Count forwards to 100 along with this video that I know you enjoy


Count backwards from 100 with this video


Complete this activity in your jotter – try to find the number before and after. Choose which one you want to complete. Try to challenge yourself. There is a 0-15 task, a 0-100 task and a 0-1000 task.


Before and After Numbers 0 Through 15 Part 2 (With images ...



Before & After Numbers - 2 Worksheets | Atividades de matemática ...



Printable primary math worksheet for math grades 1 to 6 based on ...


Remember to email photos of your work to me at

Good luck, Mrs Reid

Primary 3 Activities

Good morning

Hope you are ready for Pokemon Cosmic Kids to start our day.



Yesterday we enjoyed the story Caterpillar Shoes and completed tasks linked to the story.  Today I would like you to create a comic strip about the story.  I have included the link to the story if you wish to watch it again.

Mrs Docherty

Primary 1 Maths and Sun Safety

Good afternoon boys and girls,

This afternoon for maths you are going to focus on position and movement – ask an adult at home to give you an instruction e.g. place the teddy on, under, beside, in or between.

Can you make it a little bit trickier – place the teddy on the table at the left side?

Why not try this game on espresso with Scrap and see how you get on


After all this nice weather it is really important to keep safe in the sun. Listen to this story below and make a poster to tell people how to keep safe.

On your poster your may draw a picture of someone putting on sun cream and you might write Remember to put on sun cream. Or you could maybe draw someone with a hat on and remind people to wear a hat in the sun. Listen to the story to find out what else to do to keep safe in the sun.

Have a lovely afternoon boys and girls

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 2 – Afternoon 3rd June 2020


Catch up with Joe Wicks today

or how about some Cosmic Yoga



Let’s do a bit of weaving! Now here is a list of things you will need for this activity.

  • Googly eye (or make one out of paper)
  • White or black card (or paper)
  • Scissors/glue
  • Colour paper (or colour your own strips of paper)

First, you need to cut out a shape of a sea creature, I have attached a picture of a fish but you could choose something else.

Then you need to cut straight lines across the shape of the animal.

Then you need to weave your strips of coloured paper over and under through the straight lines.

Finally, you can decorate your animal!

Send your creations to

Primary 2 – Morning 3rd June 2020

Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you had a lovely week so far and enjoyed the sunshine we had.

Your Literacy writing task today is to watch a video and write 3 fun facts about what you have seen and heard. Here is the attachment for the link to the video and to explain the task:

Writing- Sunflower Sea Star

A fun game for Maths you can do with a family member – the following attachment has all the details you need! You will be comparing and measuring the Length of string:

Maths – Worms

Let us know how you get on, you can also send us pictures to:

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