All posts by Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 9/6/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

Maths – Position and Movement

This morning we are going to practise using grid references again to say where an object is.  (Here is the link from yesterday if you need a recap or missed it )

Can you make your own grid and place items on it?  You could make it inside or outside.  You can place any items you have in your house.

Here is an example of one I made in my garden.  I put toys in mine!

Once you have made it, can you ask and answer questions about where items are located with someone in your house?

For example:

  1. What is the grid reference for the ball?
  2. What is found at D3?

You can also have a go at Pirate Map Coordinates:


Literacy – Punctuation

BBC Bitesize has great daily lessons if you are looking for something different.

Have a go at this lesson on using exclamation marks – watch the video first, then complete the quiz and additional activities:

Let me know how you get on!

Comment here or send me an email at:

Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 8/6/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone,

This afternoon I have prepared an activity for our mini topic on Food and Farming.  You will be learning to watch and listen for information, as well as learning about the journey your food has been on.

Topic – Food and Farming

  1. Watch this video to see the farm to fork journey of carrots.

2. Copy and complete this diagram to show the carrot’s journey.  Sequence the sentences into the correct order and then draw a picture to go with each stage.  (All of the information can be found by watching the video.)

3. Find 3 extra facts from the video and write these down underneath your diagram.

Blue Peter Badge

From all the emails Mrs Docherty and I receive, I know lots of you are doing great things while you are at home.  From craft projects, to gardening, to random acts of kindness.

If you would like an extra challenge, why don’t you apply to earn a Blue Peter badge?!

Here is the link if you would like to explore further:


Last week I posted the Great French Language challenge from the British Council.  See if you can complete anything else from it this week!

Email us at:

Have a lovely afternoon,

Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 8/6/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

I hope you had a great weekend and were able to see some family and friends again.  I saw my parents for the first time in 11 weeks and it was lovely to see them even though we had to keep 2 metres apart!

Literacy – Spelling

This morning, have a go at spelling some tricky words using these 3 spelling jobs:

  1. Choose 10 words that you need to practise spelling from your tricky word wall or list.  Write them in your jotter and copy each word 3 times.
  2. Choose another spelling job and complete it in your jotter.  (Remember it could be bubble writing, rainbow writing, pyramid writing, draw and label for example.)
  3. Sentences – write each word in a sentence, remembering capital letters and full stops.

Finally, have a go at some of the spelling games on Espresso.  (These are free games so you shouldn’t need your log in details this time.)

Maths – Position and Movement

This morning, let’s practise using grid references to say where something is on a map.

  1. Have a look at this first and do the little quiz at the bottom of the webpage:

2.  Find the animals at each grid reference and write down the answers in your jotter:


Remember you can email us questions or pictures of work to:

Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 2/6/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone!

Music – from Mrs Keenan

Can you guess the animal sounds?

Topic – Food and Farming

This afternoon we are going to explore different types of farm, and specifically, types of farming we would find in Scotland.

  1. Read and discuss the powerpoint on Farming in Scotland:    farming in Scotland

2. Sort the items below into the correct type of farming – Arable or Livestock.  Write the two types of farms as headings in your jotter and draw/write each item under the correct heading.

 Arable                                                Livestock



Finally, a little quiz to test your general knowledge as I know some of you enjoyed it last week!

  1. What organ pumps blood around the body?
  2. What is a baby goat called?
  3. In the Jungle Book, what kind of animal is Baloo?
  4. What instrument does a doctor use to find out if someone has a fever/ temperature?
  5. What is the fiery liquid that flows from a volcano?
  6. What is the longest snake in the world?
  7. What type of food do penguins eat?
  8. What is Harry Potter’s middle name?
  9. In the nursery rhyme, who has lost her sheep?
  10. What are the three primary colours?

Have a lovely afternoon.  Remember to email us and I can give you the quiz answers if you need them 🙂

Mrs Harding


Primary 3 – 2/6/20 AM

Hello everyone!

I hope you are well.  Remember the Spelling Sumdog challenge is on all week, and you can access lots of books at:

You should also be practising your tricky words each day.

Literacy – Grammar

Today we will be focusing on collective nouns.  We already know that a noun is a naming word – a collective noun is a special name for a group of nouns. e.g a swarm of bees.

  1. Read the powerpoint below and have a go at the quiz at the end.

Collective Nouns

2. In your jotter, choose a word in bold to go with each collective noun.

books        wolves            flowers             trees              sheep        cows

  1. a forest of ……………………..
  2. a herd of …………………….
  3. a bunch of …………………
  4. a flock of ……………………
  5. a pack of …………………….
  6. a library of …………………

3. Write in your jotter what you would expect to find in each of these groups (use information from the powerpoint to help with some):

  1. an army
  2. a crew
  3. a pride
  4. an orchestra
  5. a bouquet
  6. a gaggle

Maths – 3D Shape

Yesterday some of you explored the nets of 3D shapes.  Today, use what you know about the properties of 3D shapes to match the net to the shape.


match the nets

Using card from the art pack, try making another net of one of the 3D shapes.

Remember you can email us at:

Mrs Harding 🙂

Primary 3 – 01/06/20 PM

Bonjour tout le monde!

This afternoon we will do some French activities.

Over the next few weeks you could try to achieve some of the things on this French challenge sheet:


Some of the tasks are pretty tricky so don’t worry about trying to do them all.  Just have a go and you will be surprised what you learn!

To get you started, here is a French song to practise!

What do you think it is about? Discuss it with someone in your house.

Spelling – Sumdog

I have set each group a spelling challenge on sumdog to revise words you have learned in class.  Please log in to and have a go!  It will finish on Friday.

Have a fun afternoon.  If you are outside, please remember to stay safe in the sun by wearing a hat, using suncream and drinking lots of water!

Mrs Harding 🙂

Primary 3 – 01/06/20 AM

Good Morning everyone!

Here is the new Home Learning Grid for the next 2 weeks:  home learning grid 5

Literacy – Weekend News

Today is the 1st June, a new month! I hope you all had a great weekend and managed to spend some time outdoors. Perhaps you finally got to see some family?!  I’m sure it will have been a special weekend for many of you and I would love to hear what you did, who you saw and how you felt.   Please write your weekend news in your jotter and draw a picture to go with it.  Remember to include:

  • punctuation – at least capital letters and full stops!
  • openers – At the weekend…   Yesterday…   On Saturday….
  • connectives – and      but    because      so
  • adjectives – think of interesting describing words to explain what you did and how you felt.

Maths – 3D Shape

Last week you practised naming and describing 3D shapes.  Today we are going to practise making a 3D shape by creating a net.  A net is what a 3D shape looks like if it is opened out flat.

Watch the video first:

Next, see if you can carefully deconstruct a cardboard box (cereal, teabags, biscuits etc) to have a look at the net.  What 3D shape does the net make?  Can you draw around the net to make another one?

For a challenge, have a look at this activity and see if you can work out which nets will make a cube:

Remember our email address for sending work and questions is:

Have a lovely morning,

Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 26/05/2020 PM

Good afternoon everyone!

Music –  from Mrs Keenan

Watch the following video about machines;

How many jobs can be done with the tractor?

This video shows you machines that can go on a tractor.



My 8 year old nephew suggested the boys and girls in my class might like to do a quiz, so here we go!  No cheating please! Write your answers down in your jotter or on a piece of paper. You could try it with your family and see who gets the most right answers 🙂  If you need the answers, email me and I will tell you ! Let me know how you all get on! (Thank you for the idea Andrew 🙂 )

  1. What 3 colours make up the French flag?
  2. Which fairytale character slept for 100 years?
  3. What language is spoken in Australia?
  4. What sort of animal is the video game character Sonic?
  5. What is a baby cow called?
  6. What is the name of the snowman in Frozen?
  7. How many days are there in June?
  8. What do tadpoles turn into?
  9. What colour is a giraffe’s tongue?
  10. Where is the smallest bone in the human body?

Have fun!

Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 26/05/2020 AM

Good morning everyone!

I know some of you enjoyed the Go Noodle video yesterday morning so here is another one to wake you up!

Maths – 3D Shape

We have been revising 2D shape recently and today we will move on to 3D shape.  That is three dimensional shape, or solid shapes.  Solid shapes can be described using the words; face, edge and vertex (vertices if more than one).

Watch this video to remind yourself.  (There is also some information on the webpage if you need it.)

Then log in to Education City ( where I have created some work for you on 3D shape.  (P3 Maths – 3D Shape)  Start with Solid Shapes (a learn screen) then move on to the other games.

Literacy – Grammar

You have done lots of work on adjectives (describing words).   Today we will be practising opposite adjectives.

Copy and complete the adjectives so each one is matched with it’s opposite.

Now have a go at coming up with some of your own opposite adjectives for these words:

  • cold
  • loud
  • wet
  • tight
  • old

Remember our email address is:

It has been so nice hearing from lots of you and seeing some of your work 🙂

Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 25/05/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone!


I would like you to create your own character and tell me about them using French vocabulary.  You could design a monster, a superhero, a person – it is up to you.  Copy and complete these sentences accurately to describe your character:

Je m’appelle………….              /   My name is……

J’ai …………   ans.                     /  I am ………… years old.

J’ai les yeux ………………….. / I have ………… eyes.

Possible eye colours are:

noirs   – black

verts – green

bleus – blue

marron – brown

gris – grey

Here is my example:

Topic – Food and Farming

Our topic this term was supposed to be Farming so we thought we would include some blog activities based on this topic.

This afternoon, take a full page in your jotter and draw a picture of a farm.  Include as much detail as you can to show us what you know about already.  You could even add labels or little notes on your drawing to give more information.

It would be great if parents/carers could email the pictures to us, at:

Thank you!

Mrs Harding