Primary 3 – 8/6/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone,

This afternoon I have prepared an activity for our mini topic on Food and Farming.  You will be learning to watch and listen for information, as well as learning about the journey your food has been on.

Topic – Food and Farming

  1. Watch this video to see the farm to fork journey of carrots.

2. Copy and complete this diagram to show the carrot’s journey.  Sequence the sentences into the correct order and then draw a picture to go with each stage.  (All of the information can be found by watching the video.)

3. Find 3 extra facts from the video and write these down underneath your diagram.

Blue Peter Badge

From all the emails Mrs Docherty and I receive, I know lots of you are doing great things while you are at home.  From craft projects, to gardening, to random acts of kindness.

If you would like an extra challenge, why don’t you apply to earn a Blue Peter badge?!

Here is the link if you would like to explore further:


Last week I posted the Great French Language challenge from the British Council.  See if you can complete anything else from it this week!

Email us at:

Have a lovely afternoon,

Mrs Harding

2 thoughts on “Primary 3 – 8/6/20 PM”

  1. R had her first day at the hub school today and loved it.
    She completed the tricky words task that you set this morning. She also did finger painting, watched a movie, competed a bug hunt, played parachute games and played red rover.
    She is at home tomorrow so we will complete some of the tasks set today as well as tomorrow’s tasks before she is back at the hub on weds

  2. Amazing! I am so glad you enjoyed it – it does sound like a great day with lots of fun activities!
    If you have time and would like to do today’s activities, that’s great, but please don’t worry about it as you have already done a full day of work at the hub school 🙂

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