Primary 3 – 2/6/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone!

Music – from Mrs Keenan

Can you guess the animal sounds?

Topic – Food and Farming

This afternoon we are going to explore different types of farm, and specifically, types of farming we would find in Scotland.

  1. Read and discuss the powerpoint on Farming in Scotland:    farming in Scotland

2. Sort the items below into the correct type of farming – Arable or Livestock.  Write the two types of farms as headings in your jotter and draw/write each item under the correct heading.

 Arable                                                Livestock



Finally, a little quiz to test your general knowledge as I know some of you enjoyed it last week!

  1. What organ pumps blood around the body?
  2. What is a baby goat called?
  3. In the Jungle Book, what kind of animal is Baloo?
  4. What instrument does a doctor use to find out if someone has a fever/ temperature?
  5. What is the fiery liquid that flows from a volcano?
  6. What is the longest snake in the world?
  7. What type of food do penguins eat?
  8. What is Harry Potter’s middle name?
  9. In the nursery rhyme, who has lost her sheep?
  10. What are the three primary colours?

Have a lovely afternoon.  Remember to email us and I can give you the quiz answers if you need them 🙂

Mrs Harding


2 thoughts on “Primary 3 – 2/6/20 PM”

  1. R has enjoyed this afternoon’s activities.
    She listened to the farm sing and guessed the animals but was a little confused by one of the cat sounds.
    She then read through the farming PowerPoint and spoke to me about what she had learned. She then divided the pictures into two groups with the headings Arable and Livestock.
    R loved the quiz and played against Brian again this week.she got 7 out of 10 with Brian getting 8 out of 10. She wasn’t sure if the answers to 2,8and 10. She knew the snake answer straight away as one of her favourite things to watch is snake discovery.
    We also went a nice walk with our dog and went into Jordan Wood just along from the school where someone has set up a wee fairy door and painted stones scavenger hunt.

  2. Super job! Sounds like I might need to do one more quiz so they can have a tie-breaker!
    I think I have seen a photo of the fairy door – it is a lovely idea 🙂
    Mrs Harding

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