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The boys and girls at Bathgate West Nursery would like to say a big thank you to the Bathgate British Legion for helping and supporting our annual Pies, Peas and Bingo night to raise money for our summer trip. It was a huge success, we raised lots of money and a good night was had by all. So thank you also to everyone who helped, supported and came along to the event and a massive Thank You to Mrs Bett who worked so hard to make it a success.

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Investigating Flowers

With Spring trying to make an appearance,  the children have been sharing what they would like to learn about during our Spring topic. Some children expressed an interest in learning about flowers and have already been looking at flowers growing around our nursery garden.

So we have set up a flower investigation station in the nursery where the children can look at, touch, smell and explore different flowers. Hopefully it will raise a few questions about flowers that we can find out the answers to. Maybe you can help your children to spot, name and describe a few flowers that you can see in the gardens around you?

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Book Celebrations

Continuing our book celebrations this week we held our Book character dress up day for the children to come to nursery dressed as some of their favourite book characters. We loved seeing all of your fabulous costumes…it was lots of fun. We have all now had our visit to the local library where we heard some stories and sang some songs. A big thank you to the staff at Simpson’s Library in Bathgate who made our visits so much fun!

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Our Happy Nursery

Mona the monkey has spent the week at nursery teaching us the importance of listening well, so we know what we need to do, to stay safe and to be able to learn lots of new things. Mona the Monkey is very good at listening and we have been trying hard all week to use our good listening ears. When we listen carefully then our nursery is a happier place to be!

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Exploring stories…

We are continuing to explore stories, characters and setting throughout the nursery this week, take a look in our Rainbow Room to see some of the displays we have created about our favorite traditional tales.

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The children have loved having the P6 carers coming to visit and reading to them again this week.

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Following on from some of the stories they have been hearing the children have chosen to make their own shields, some have been making their own stories from the hidden Gruffalo cave and there was even some preparation for a Tiger who came to tea in the house corner!

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Remember that we will be celebrating books and stories by dressing up as some of our favourite characters on Tuesday 8th March and each child will also receive their World Book Day token then. Our local Library visits will also continue next Thursday so any if parent/carer helpers are available that would be fantastic.

Our happy nursery!


Last week we had the very lovely Gino Giraffe helping us to learn why it is important to look after our things at nursery and how this can help to make our nursery a happy place to be. When we look after our things they last longer, everyone can enjoy them and we always know where they are! Gino spotted lots of boys and girls who were helping to look after the toys in our nursery by playing gently with them and tidying them all away when they were finished.

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Green Flag Award

Last week the Eco Team were rewarded for all of their hard work following a very positive Eco Schools assessment…. Bathgate West has once again been awarded their Green Flag Status!

A big thank you to all of the parents who continue to give up their time to help the Eco Team and the children for their efforts demonstrating what responsible citizens they are becoming already. Well Done everyone! 100_3605

Once upon a time…

This week has been filled with stories, fairy tales and lots of imagination. We have been exploring the story of The Three Little Pigs and helping to retell the story with a range of  fun activities.

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Our Gruffalo story scene has been popular and now we have been creating our own deep, dark wood as the background setting. Daisy even drew a fabulous picture of the Gruffalo at home and brought it into nursery to share with us. We were all very impressed with the super detail she had added to her picture and we knew right away which book character it was!

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Our house corner has even become a fairy tale castle for us to explore many prince and princess stories….



Some of us were developing our measuring skills when we tried to measure the size of Jack’s beanstalk using the magnetic sticks. Kaiden even checked to see how tall it was. He was able to report that “It was bigger than Mrs Waddell!”



This morning we became our own story tellers when a large piece of white paper stuck to the floor was transformed into a giant treasure map, there was a forest, waterfall and even a Volcano. Imaginations and creativity were in full flow …..

“This is the volcano, the lava comes out here” “Look there’s cracks in the ground!” Jude M

“We’re pirates looking for treasure. Its our map. Here’s our ship!” Rio M

“Some dinosaurs have landed on the island!” Hayden

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Some children have begun creating their own books, designing front covers and adding interest facts and stories…

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It certainly has been a very busy week! We have also updated our Try at Home Task to tie in with our Book topic, so please feel free to take one and explore some stories at home with our Book Challenge.
