Caring for a Bee!

Wednesday was a very exciting day at nursery. William and Eve found a very tired bumblebee in our garden and wondered how we could look after it until it could fly off home. We found some dandelions “to give the bee energy” (Eve) and watched as it spent time collecting the pollen and nectar from them. This captured attention from a wider group of children who were fascinated in having a closer look at the bee, sparking lots of lovely discussion and comments, “it has a huge orange bottom” (Eve), “I can see its’ long tongue ” (Tilly), “it needs the pollen to help things grow” (Thomas)

We observed our bee for the whole day and then again the following morning when we gave it fresh flowers. Happily our bee just needed a long rest and he flew away again after a little while.  Eve was delighted to see this, “we saved our bee! He got lots of energy from the flowers and can fly home again to his beehive!” We were all very happy.

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