Reduce, Reuse, recycle!

Recycled Nursery Uniform

We have a small selection of used nursery polo-shirts which can be purchased at a discounted price of £1. We are looking for any outgrown or old nursery jumpers, polo-shirts and jackets which we can recycle and give a new home. If you have any donations please hand them into reception, this contributes to our Nursery Green Flag Award. Many thanks for your support.

Spring Clean!

“Some children have enjoyed tidying up the garden which is in real need of a Spring clean!”

  We are holding a Spring Clean on 3rd May at 10:30am – if you would like to come along before collecting your child and help us tidy up our garden, we would greatly appreciate a helping hand.
Please if you can bring along some garden tools; sweeping brush, garden gloves etc. 

We look forward too seeing you all 🙂