Celebrating Burns at Bathgate West

Hello Everyone. What a day we have had celebrating Scottish culture and Robert Burns at Bathgate West Nursery! We have held our own Burns Supper where the children enjoyed some Scottish songs and poems from some Balbardie pupils before tucking into their Haggis, Neeps and Tatties, followed by short bread and some Scottish dancing. We even had a real piper in to play the bagpipes for us and he wore his kilt for us too. It has been a busy and fun day for all and thank you for wearing your tartan and helping us to celebrate Burns Day !

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4 thoughts on “Celebrating Burns at Bathgate West”

  1. Hi,
    It feels great to see children celebrating the Burns , in Bathgate West Nursery School. My son for the first time asked me about this day’s history ……………Now he knows what to wear on this day and it feels great too. We love to share our feelings of joy and sorrow together being a part of the parental community in Bathgate, West Nursery School. Hope the love and sharing will increase the peace and happiness among us. Cheers!

  2. Hello
    Thank you for visiting your blog and leaving a lovely comment. We had lots fun with our Burns celebrations and great to hear it has sparkled further interest into Scottish history.
    Mrs Leamy

  3. We had great fun at our burns celebration. We loved seeing the piper
    perform and all the scottish food was really tasty!! It was great fun doing
    the scottish dancing too.
    Alex and Lois. XX

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