Stay, Play and Learn Week

A big thank you to all the parents and grandparents that made it along to our Stay, Play and Learn sessions this week. The children enjoyed showing you around their nursery and getting you involved in all of their favourite activities. It was lovely to see you all and we greatly appreciate all of your feedback.

I have also attached the February newsletter for you to have a look at.  February 2015

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Waddell

Celebrating Burns at Bathgate West

Hello Everyone. What a day we have had celebrating Scottish culture and Robert Burns at Bathgate West Nursery! We have held our own Burns Supper where the children enjoyed some Scottish songs and poems from some Balbardie pupils before tucking into their Haggis, Neeps and Tatties, followed by short bread and some Scottish dancing. We even had a real piper in to play the bagpipes for us and he wore his kilt for us too. It has been a busy and fun day for all and thank you for wearing your tartan and helping us to celebrate Burns Day !

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Sparkly Teeth at Bathgate West

Hello Everyone

Yesterday we had a visit from Mairi at Childsmile Scotland. She came with Ziggy the Dinosaur to remind us all how to look after our teeth.

Mairi showed us how to clean our teeth going round and round and getting right in at the back. She also said we shouldn’t use water when we brush our teeth as it washes the fluoride away. Ziggy had been shopping and Mairi showed us some of the things he had bought. We had to tell her if they were good for our teeth or not. Can you believe he had bought some Irn-Bru and a lollipop! We all agreed these things were only for very, very special occasions.