P2/3 Play

P2/3 got the chance this week to check out our fantastic new play area.

I observed so many fantastic interactions. These pictures will hopefully give you a flavour of the wonderful role-playing skills, creativity and social skills the children were demonstrating.

Maths Week Scotland 27th September – 3rd October

Falla Hill Primary had great fun exploring different mathematical concepts and linking this with other cross-curricular areas during Maths Week Scotland from 27th September until 3rd October 2021. Here is a short summary of some activities that the children took part in across the school.

Primary Two/One – a note from Mrs Howley

During Maths Week Scotland, Primary Two/One took part in a number of different activities linking maths and numeracy.

In data analysis, the children observed the traffic outside and recorded their findings using tally marks.

Focusing on symmetry, the children created their own colourful bugs making sure both sides were symmetrical.

Investigating time, the children had great fun timing each other with the stopwatches doing various activities.

Primary Two/Three – A note from Ms Rainey

During Maths Week Scotland, Primary Two/Three took part in a number of different activities linking maths to other curricular areas.

In numeracy, the children made place value robots.

Linking to literacy, the children read the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle, focusing on capital letters and the ay sound. They then linked numeracy/maths by ordering the days of the week.

In our topic, the children read ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson and used the robbers’ map as inspiration to make a map of their journey to school. They used the maps to describe what they saw, using positional language.

Primary Three – A note from Mrs Hunter

Primary Three had a great time in numeracy and maths during Maths Week Scotland, taking part in lots of different activities and using different skills.

Linking maths to our IDL topic focusing on habitats, the children produced fantastic symmetrical scorpions from their desert habitat work.

We took part in the WL Sumdog competition and had great fun playing the games and learning how to navigate around this platform.

Using ICT games on the Smartboard during our rotation work, allowed us to play collaboratively, to complete a number of different games focusing on lots of addition and subtraction skills.

Place value ice cream parlour – We created a fabulous ice cream cone focusing on place value matching the numeral to the number of hundreds, tens and ones, the word and the abstract calculation.

Addition fill – We had a fabulous time filling the playground with addition sums and running around trying to add in the answer to each other’s questions. It was exhausting but we had a great time!

Primary Seven – A note from Miss Lynch

Primary seven incorporated Maths Week Scotland into their smart start and in lessons. Their class discussion each day was math themed – one riddle attached and one weird fact. They also discussed the strategies they would use and what the probability of the lottery win might have been.

Attached are some of the children’s artwork focusing on pattern and number. Some of the daily slides are attached too.

As you can see, everyone had a fabulous week with lots of learning taking place across many numeracy and mathematics outcomes. Great work from all! 

What a fabulous last week of term 1 in P3!

In Primary three we have worked our socks off this week and have had masses of fun incorporated!

We started off our week joining the primary sevens, actively listening to their fabulous rainforest presentations and we all did a fantastic job of meeting targets in both listening and talking.

A huge well done to all of the primary sevens and a great big thank you to Miss Lynch and Mrs Doohan for letting us join them!

We also had a fabulous fun filled day on Thursday, when we focused the learning around Disney’s A Bug’s Life movie as a themed day for the end of our IDL habitats topic.

We made symmetrical bugs, used IPads for research and recorded our facts, answered questions relating to an ant comprehension, built new ant colonies, designed new minibeast mansions, made tessellation patterns, created a new gadget that would help the ants and we even became ants ourselves following a map to get through the colony and deliver food to the Queen 👸. It was great fun and we all loved it!

We now can’t wait for term 2 to begin but first we need a well earned rest!

Enjoy the October break and stay posted for more P3 highlights on our return 😀

What a busy week!

Primary 4 have been very busy this week sharing their learning about their Dinosaur Topic.                                             

The children all spoke clearly and were able to answer any questions that their classmates had.  Fantastic effort P4 – you should all be very proud of yourselves!


Term 1 in P2-1

What a fantastic first term we have had in P2/1!

We have been learning lots of new sounds, learning how to form our letters and blend sounds we know together to read words. In our writing lessons, we have been learning how to write a recount and how to write a persuasive text, arguing one side of an argument. We have been trying really hard to use our sight words and our new sounds in all of our writing. Sid the monkey was helping us with our writing, he thought we were fantastic!



In numeracy we have been working on counting forwards and backwards from a given number and identifying numbers. We have also been reciting our days of the week, months of the year and learning about the four seasons. We learned how to identify o’clock on an analogue and digital clock, some of us were learning half past the hour. We had great fun using stop watches to time ourselves and our friends doing various challenges and activities.


Our topic this term was ‘Fauldhouse’, we enjoyed learning about various buildings and features in our village. We learned about the different types pf houses an used google maps to find our own houses and used the building blocks to make an design a house. We used our data analysis skills to record traffic in our village using tally marks and then transferred the information on to a bar chart for our topic wall display.


We have been focussing on friendships and kindness this term in our Health and Wellbeing. We discussed what makes a good friend and what we can do to show our friends kindness. We have also been learning how to recognise, name and show our emotions, describe what triggers different emotions and how we react to various situations. We learned our bodies are like cogs and they all need to work together for us to be healthy and safe. We created our own ‘coggles’ to use when we are reading books so we can spot emotion words.


Mrs Howley is extremely proud of all our hard work this term and said we deserve a lovely October break.

P7 Blog Post – Banging Beans

Hi parents it’s the banging beans writing today  

Last week we made surveys for the p4 p5 and p6 to do so this week we had to go back in and look at our results!  We analysed the data and  wrote 5 sentences about what our data told us which is know as drawing conclusions.

We have also been hard at work making a project on the rainforest for today and we have been trying to get in the top ten in the sum dog competition. We were super happy that we had a nice long weekend last Monday and Tuesday! Extra sleep time!

Later on in the week, we went on a language learning system and we got assignments to do on language nut.  This is new for us and we reallt enjoyed the games and the fact we can learn a new language too!

 In maths we started with some Sumdog then we done our daily 10. Some of us have been revisiting prior skills such as rounding while others are working with understanding the place value of decimals.

Oh at French we did a colour by number in French house and lots more fun things. We have just been told next week we are going a forest walk this sounds exiting in P.E we played hockey on Wednesday and on Thursday we play football which we all enjoy. 

 Thats all for now!

Max, kyle, Dolan, Megan, James and Rosalyn 

AKA the Banging Beans. 

AKA the best table.