Primary 2 learning grid for week 6 starting 11.5.20

Good morning primary 2,

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying doing some learning activities at home. I have seen some of your amazing work which I have really enjoyed looking at. You can send in pictures of your work to the email address:

I am looking forward to seeing more of your great work. I am going to attach week 6 learning grids below for you to start on Monday 11th of May. Try your best and have fun with the new activities.

Miss Graham

Numeracy circles + squares

Numeracy triangles

Literacy blue green gold

Literacy orange and red

Competition: Free Books!

National Book Tokens are running a competition to win £5000 worth of book tokens for a school. With the more nominations gained the better the chance of winning!  We would love your help to increase our chances.
I have attached a flyer with full information. However, here is the link for your convenience. It only takes a couple minutes and it would be greatly appreciated 🙂