P2/3 Maths – Thursday 23rd April 2020

Hello everyone,

It has been so lovely to speak to everyone that I have had to chance to so far, more phone calls will be getting made today 🙂

Maths today involves a little bit more jotter work for some and a little bit more Sumdog for others.

Triangles – i would like you to complete a second page of your addition to 100 sums followed by 10 minutes of Sumdog.

Squares – i would like you to complete a second page of your addition to 50 sums followed by 10 minutes of Sumdog.

Circles– i challenge you to make you own set of domino’s out of paper and play domino’s with a member of your family, however, when you are playing, you must add up both numbers on your domino before placing it down. Take pictures and let me see your domino games!

Have fun boys and girls.

Miss Hamill 😀 

P1 Thursday 23rd April – Numeracy

Hello again everyone. Hope you enjoyed meeting Unicorn and Haggis and am I sure you know lots of different kinds of books now.

Here is an audio book from David Walliams for you to listen to at 11.00am which is our usual milk and story time.


Lets warm up for number work by counting to 20 and don’t forget to join in with the actions.

  • Now try making your own number line from 0 to 20 using a strip of card or paper – it could be a in the shape of a snake or a caterpillar or you could cut out numbers from a newspaper or magazine and stick them on
  • Now choose any starting number and add on 3, 4 or 5 by using “jumps” on your number line – which number do you finish on?
  • Hedgehogs and Badgers – complete pages 6 and 7 in your Number Workbook (A7)
  • Squirrels – complete page 4 and 5 in your number workbook (A3)

Remember to draw and write neatly.

  • Next play some number games


  • Now try to place the numbers on a blank number line


Thank you, Mrs Topping

P1 Thursday 23rd April – Literacy

Good morning everyone. Can you believe it’s Thursday already?

Lets get ready for your reading tasks by exercising with Joe at 9.00am.

Don’t forget to have a rest and a wee drink before beginning your reading tasks.

This morning we are going to “Look in a Book” with Cooper who joins Unicorn and Haggis to find out who books are for and how they can help us.


  • Now you’ve watched the clip,  read the book for yourself, (click underneath), or ask an adult to help
  • Is this book a fiction or a non-fiction book
  • How do you know?
  • Can you find all the punctuation marks in the story?
  • Are there any capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks or commas?
  • Can you count them?
  • Explain to someone where or how we use these
  • Can you find any rhyming words
  • Find a rhyming word in the book that rhymes with the following words:
  • read     behave     sun      lands
  • What is your favourite type of book? Is it one that was featured in the story or is it a different type?
  • Draw a picture of it in your jotter and write a sentence to explain how it can help us

Thank you, Mrs Topping



A1 Literacy Tasks 23/04/20

Good Morning A1!

Who is ready for PE with Joe?

Here is the visual timetable for our literacy tasks this morning.

23.04.20 Literacy Timetable

Remember to send me any photos you have of your work.  Miss Clarkson is busy making an assembly presentation for Friday and she would love to include some examples of your achievements!

I will check in again after story time with David Walliams.


Mrs Bryce

P2/3 Storywriting 23/4/20

Good morning boys and girls. Are we ready for #PEwithJoe this morning to set us up for the day?


After this I would like you to get creative for storywriting. Imagine you are an astronaut and going on a journey to space – how do you get there? What do you see? How do you feel?

You can choose whether you want to write this in you jotter, type it up, or even create a comic strip to show your adventure. Get your imagination going!

Miss McLuckie

P2/3 ART – Wednesday 22nd April 2020

I am loving this space theme boys and girls! Are you?

Todays art activity is something I think everybody is going to enjoy. Your task today is to create your very own alien!

You can use any resources that you can find in your house(with your parents permission of course) including toilet rolls holders, paper, pens, paint, string, googly eyes, anything you wish!

Think about what you want your alien to look like? What colour will it be? Does it have 5 eyes? How many heads does it have? Whats it name? What planet is it from?

I am very excited to see your designs, remember you can send them over email to me or upload them to twitter!

Miss Hamill 😀

A1/P1 craft task 22/04/20

Good afternoon A1/P1. I hope you have all had a great morning. Now that you have read the story about The Big Tree I thought it would be a good idea to make a birdhouse.

All you need is –

  • An empty milk carton (clean this out first)
  • Some pens or paint
  • String to hang your birdhouse
You will need an adults help to cut your doors out but then you can decorate this however you like 🙂 Why don’t you have a look around your garden or when you are out your next walk for some twigs or leaves that you could use as a comfy bed for the birds.
Im looking forward to seeing all your pictures of your different birdhouses. Here is mine hanging up in my garden waiting for the birds to come visit.
Kirsty 🙂

Yoga 22/04/20

Good Afternoon A1 and P1!

I cannot wait to see your writing and shape work from this morning.  I hope you have had a nice lunch and are ready for your yoga session this afternoon.

Keep an eye out for Kirsty posting another activity in a little while.

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

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