A1/P1 craft task 22/04/20

Good afternoon A1/P1. I hope you have all had a great morning. Now that you have read the story about The Big Tree I thought it would be a good idea to make a birdhouse.

All you need is –

  • An empty milk carton (clean this out first)
  • Some pens or paint
  • String to hang your birdhouse
You will need an adults help to cut your doors out but then you can decorate this however you like 🙂 Why don’t you have a look around your garden or when you are out your next walk for some twigs or leaves that you could use as a comfy bed for the birds.
Im looking forward to seeing all your pictures of your different birdhouses. Here is mine hanging up in my garden waiting for the birds to come visit.
Kirsty 🙂

2 thoughts on “A1/P1 craft task 22/04/20”

  1. Aww Kirsty I love it! I think I will have a go at one of those myself☺️! Enjoy making them guys, I’m sure your ones will look fab by! Maisie☺️

  2. These are fab Kirsty and you don’t need much to make them. There will be some happy birds in Fauldhouse!!

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