P2/3 RME 24/4/20

Hello everyone! We have made it through another week of home learning and well done for all of your hard work.

To finish off the week I thought we could learn about Buddhism through RME. Watch the video below.

Then see if you can share some facts with a partner:

  • What is Buddhism?
  • Who was Buddha?
  • What was Buddha’s life like before?
  • How did he become Buddha?
  • Where does Buddhism originate from?

Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe!

Miss McLuckie


Good morning A1 & P1 today i thought we could explore our sense of taste. What are your favourite foods? Are they sweet,sour,salty or bitter? Lets try an experiment to find out. Send us some pictures and let us know how you get on. Follow the link below to get started and enjoy.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe



P2/3 Wordboost – Friday 24th April 2020

Happy Friday everyone!

Did everyone enjoy #PEwithJoe?

I hope you have all had a productive week. I have loved speaking to you all and I am already looking forward to our phone calls next week.

This morning we are going to continue with our word boost. our story this week is The Sea Mice and The Stars. 

I have attached the worksheet for you all to complete, a definition list for all the parents and also the YouTube video for you to listen to the story.

In addition to our worksheet this week, I would like you all to have a think about some of these questions ;

  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. Where is the story set?
  3. How would you change the ending to the story?

Remember you can send me over any work that you complete.

Miss Hamill 🙂 



A1 Literacy Tasks 24/04/20

Good Morning A1

I am so excited to see what Joe has dressed up as for ‘Fancy Dress Friday’.  Remember to tune in for your final workout of the week at 9am

Please have a look at the visual timetable for the rest of your tasks.

24_04_20 Literacy Timetable

Keep an eye out on the blog later this morning as Kelly will be posting an exciting science experiment for you all to try.

I will check back in after story time with David Walliams.

Mrs Bryce

P1 Friday 24th April – Literacy

Good morning everyone. Have you got that Friday feeling?

Join in with Joe’s last PE session of the week at 9.00am

Before you begin Literacy activities make sure you a have a rest and a wee drink.

Let’s finish off the  week by revising the ee sound so watch and listen to this clip


  • How many other words using the ee sound can you think of
  • Complete Unit 41 – ee –  in your Handwriting Booklet


  • Now try the 3 Tricky/Sight Words Set 1 tasks on Study Ladder focusing on the following words:
  • is, it, in, at, and 
  • Remember to do the tutorial before the practice tasks
  • Next write a simple sentence for each of these words in your jotter e.g The sun is out.
  • Use a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end and use your neatest handwriting.
  • Finally, underline or highlight the Tricky/Sight words in each sentence.

Thank you, Mrs Topping


P2/3 French 23/4/20

Hello again boys and girls. I thought we could do a little bit of French this afternoon. I would like you to practise the days of the week and months of the year – can you teach a partner how to say them in French?

Days of the week song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPGRMNYw8HE

Months of the year song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_u2SigckNQ

Next I would like you have a look at this powerpoint and have a go at the activities.

French 23.4.20

Have a lovely afternoon, Miss McLuckie

P1 and A1 Thursday 23rd April – Oral Narrative

Good afternoon everyone! Hope you have had a productive morning and enjoyed your lunch.

Now its time for a story!

In keeping with our Spring theme this week, listen to and watch “The Thing About Spring” by Daniel Kirk

Talk about the story with a family member and try to answer some of these questions.

  • WHO are the main characers in the story?
  • WHICH character do you like best and WHY?
  • WHAT are some of the good things that can happen in spring?
  • Think about the other 3 seasons of the year
  • Can you name them?

Continue reading P1 and A1 Thursday 23rd April – Oral Narrative

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