P1 Tuesday 28th April – Literacy

Good morning everyone! How are you today?

Let’s get your daily PE session with Joe.

Make sure you have a rest and a wee drink before beginning your Literacy activities.

This morning we will continue with the revision of the ai sound.

  • Let’s learn some more ai words with the Alphablocks

  • Try to identify as many words using the ai sound as you can
  • Share them with a family member
  • Complete the 3 ai activities on Study Ladder and remember to do the tutorial first
  • Now choose 3 ai words write a simple sentence for each one on your jotter e.g. I sat on the chair.
  • Can you make your sentence more interesting by including an adjective e.g. I sat on the soft chair.
  • Remember to use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of each sentence
  • Don’t forget to write neatly

Use Doorway online below for some extra spelling practice


Then click on the following:

  • Vowel sounds level (yellow pencil)
  • Vowel sound A-sound
  • 05 -ai-

Thank you, Mrs Topping




Five minute box2 Yellow board Consonant Digraphs

Consonant Digraphs – Yellow sound board.

Read and match your sound cards to the board.   

Say the sounds out loud.             Write the sounds in sound bubbles.

Remember not just to copy, copy, copy, and always say it out loud.

Read the word lists.

Be a word detective and find more words.

Remember the sound can be at the beginning, middle or end of a word. Have fun finding them.

Choose 3 words to write into sentences.

A1/P1 Outdoor Learning – Earthworms.

Good Afternoon guys.

Now I know how much my little class love to play with worms…………..yuck! I thought we could do some investigations to help us learn a bit more about our wiggly friends.  Relax and listen to the story I have linked below and then we can go ‘undercover’ and learn all about Mr Worm!

In the story Grandma and the boy conduct several investigations that we could do too!

  •  Have a look in your garden under your garden toys or furniture. Or if you don’t have a garden when you are out for your daily exercise have a look out for leaves that have been pulled into holes in the ground, our wiggly friends may be hiding here.
  • Try to get an earthworm to come to the surface by pouring some water on a patch of ground, this may take a little while.
  • Once you see a worm have a good look at it. How do you know which end is the head? Usually a worm moves forward so its head would be at the front. The head is also more pointed.
  • The earthworm is made of ring like segments, can you count them?
  • If you feel like it place the earthworm in you hand, is it cold, is it slimy?
  • Can you feel the little segments as the earthworm moves each segment has little hairlike bristles on them, these are called Setae.

Please remember if you touch the worms be GENTLE and ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS!!

Have fun


What is Story Massage and it’s benefits?

Story massage is a fun and interactive approach of sharing stories and rhymes in a positive and respectful way. It involves asking permission from the individual if you can perform story massage on the time.

The benefits are:

  1. It can bring calm and relaxing feeling to the individual.
  2. It promotes oxytocin the “feel good” hormone.
  3. It may improve sleep patterns.
  4. It may promote self esteem and confidence.
  5. It may regulate emotions
  6. Can build positive relationships through touch.
  7. Can develop a readiness for learning.
  8. It may develop imagination, expressive language and creativity.
  9. Improves communication.
  10. Can help prepare for future events e.g. going to dentist, new school, or hospital.

P2/3 HWB – Monday 27th April

I would like everyone to continue with their Kindness Journals this week. I was so happy to receive some lovely pictures of kind acts that some of you had completed throughout last week.

We definitely have the kindest children in our class and that makes me very proud :)!

As well as your journal, today I would like you to get comfortable with your family, and if possible watch Wall-E. Build a blanket den, get some juice, get cosy and watch a Space related movie. I will be doing the same with my family. You can find Wall-E on Disney+, Amazon Movies and Sky.

I hope you all had a wonderful day.

Miss Hamill 🙂 

P1 Science Monday 27th April

Good afternoon P1 for science this week I am going to set you another challenge to do one of the following activities and ask your parents or carer to  email me a picture of your results so I can share with everyone on the blog.

email: stephen.riding@westlothian.org.uk

I really would love to share some work that the children have done.



Hope to hear from you soon. Mr Riding

A1 STEM 27/4/20

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and were able to enjoy some of the lovely weather.

As it is Spring, I thought this afternoon we could try to find out what Spring looks like.

I would like you to make your own photo frame, this could be from anything you have – cardboard, lollipop sticks, twigs … and decorate it to make it bright and colourful.

Then I would like you to go outside and try to take photos of what you think Spring looks like. This could be flowers starting to grow, green leaves on the trees, bugs/insects. If you can post your photos to Twitter I would love to see what you can all find. Here are some ideas to inspire you – Photo frames  We made ours from an Easter Egg box and coloured it in.

Have fun, Miss McLuckie

P2/3 Maths – Monday 27th April 2020

Moving onto a new area of revision this week…subtraction.

To get everyone warmed up, I would like you all to access TopMarks and play BLASTOFF…focus on counting back to work on your subtraction.

Then, I would like the;

  1. Triangles to challenge a parent or sibling to a subtraction from 50 competition. Keep scores!
  2. Squares to challenge a parent or sibling to a subtraction from 30 competition. Keep scores!
  3. Circles to challenge a parent or sibling to a subtraction from 20 competition. Keep scores!

I hope you all win! Enjoy.

Miss Hamill 🙂 

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