Narrative Language – Thursday 30th April

Good Afternoon!

I hope you have all been keeping safe during this time. This afternoon I have another Narrative Language task for you all to complete.

First I would like you to listen to the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen

After you have watched the video I would like you to tell you parent or carer all the places the family had to go through to find the bear. Lets see if you can remember WHERE they went.

Finally, I would like you to get a piece off paper and draw your own picture of you going on a bear hunt. Where do you think you would find a bear?

I’m looking forward to seeing all your pictures! Ask your parent or carer to send them to me on twitter or comment them below so I can see them.

Our twitter is @wlblackburnps

Miss Robertson.

Five minute box2 (ea) Word list

Green Sound Board continued 

😊Read and match your cards to the board.                                                Say the sounds out loud, and write them into sound bubbles.

😊Read the word list- (ea)

😊Have a spelling test or write the list from memory (no peeking) get clues if you need them.

😊Test yourself to see how many you remembered and spelled correctly. ✔✔✔✔ (L,S,C,W,Ch) x3 for any corrections

😊Circle or Highlight the (ea) in each word

😊Be a word detective and find more (ea) words-                                                ( books, magazine, dictionary page, the key words 1-9)

P1 Thursday 30th April – Numeracy

Hello again! Did all that reading about cake make you hungry?

Have a drink and a snack while you listen to Elevenses with David Walliams at 11.00am


We have been doing lots of work on numbers to 20.

  • Now let’s look at how the numbers  11 – 20 are  made up from Tens and Units or Tens and Ones
  • Watch and listen to the clip below about TEENS numbers

  • Next look at this power point showing  how TEENS numbers are made up


  • Have a go at showing Tens and Units with some items you might have at home. You could use counters, sweets, buttons, lego or something else to make a group of ten and  then show the units
  • Can you show these numbers in Tens and Units
  • 13            15       16         18           19


  • Hedgehogs and Badgers – complete pages 8 and 9 of your Number Workbook (A7)
  • Squirrels – complete pages 6 and 7 of your Number Workbook (A2)

Let’s finish off by playing Shark Numbers where you need to count the Tens and Units


Thank you, Mrs Topping









P2/3 Maths – Thursday 30th April 2020

Hello everybody, I hope you are all well.

Today for maths the tasks are;

  1. Triangles – Complete the second page of your subtraction sums from Tuesday in your jotter. Then, have a multiplication challenge with someone in your house, who can get the answer first.
  2. Squares – Complete 2 studyladder tasks relating to subtraction or times tables.
  3. Circles – Play BLASTOFF on TopMarks focusing on counting back from 20. Then, play dominos with someone in your house, subtracting the smaller number on the domino from the larger number before placing it down.

Have a good day boys and girls, you are all doing amazing and making us very proud!

Miss Hamill 🙂 

P1 Thursday 30th April – Literacy

Good morning everyone. Thursday again!!

Get ready for your reading activities this morning by warming up with Joe.

Remember to have a rest and a wee drink before you begin your reading tasks.

Can you remember some of the different kinds of books in this song?

Today we are going to join Unicorn and Haggis to look at a particular kind of book.

  • Watch and listen to the clip below.

  • Now you have watched the clip, read the book for yourself, (underneath the clip), or ask a family member to help.
  • What kind of book is this?
  • Is this book fiction or non-fiction?
  • How do you know?
  • Look for all the punctuation marks in the book.
  • Can you find capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks or commas?
  • Explain how are they used.
  • How many of each can you count?
  • Last week we found some rhyming words in the book. Today try to think of 3 more rhyming words of your own for:
  • cake          need            add              can
  •  Record them in your jotter like this e.g.:
  • 1. cake – take    bake    rake
  • 2. need
  • 3. add
  • 4. can


  • What other ingredients or toppings would you add to a cake to make it even more tasty? e.g. fruit, nuts, chocolate chips etc.
  • Draw and label them in your jotter.
  • Niall’s cake was a lion design. Use your imagination to design a cake that you would like to bake.
  • Draw and colour your cake design in your jotter.
  • Maybe you could share your cake designs?

Thank you, Mrs Topping




P2/3 Storywriting 30/04/20

Good morning everyone. Are we all ready to start the day with #PEwithJoe?

Have a wee drink and a rest before beginning our space-themed storywriting.

This week I want you to imagine you are an alien and you just have landed on Planet Earth – everything is so strange and unfamiliar. Create a diary entry to tell the reader how the alien feels, what they see, what they think and what they did on their first visit to Earth.

Looking forward to reading your out-of-this-world stories!

Miss McLuckie

A1 Literacy Tasks 30/04/20

Good Morning A1!

I hope you are all doing well and are ready for ‘PE with Joe’ this morning!

Please find your visual timetable for today’s Literacy Tasks here 30.04.20 Literacy Timetable and here is a copy of the ‘Naughts and ‘Crosses’ grid in case you can’t find yours inside your pack Reading activities noughts-and-crosses.

I will check back in after story time with David Walliams.

Mrs Bryce

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