Narrative Language – 4th June

Hi all,

I hope you are all doing well. I have another narrative language task this afternoon for you and we are still focusing on the word when. 

First, I have a story for you to listen to all about summer. It’s called Mouse’s First Summer by Laura Thomson.

After that, I want you and a parent or carer to see if you can this off all four seasons off the year and think about 3 things that happen during each season.

Lastly, I would like you to draw or make me a nice picture off your favourite season. Get as creative as you like. I hope to see some of your fantastic pictures soon!

Miss Robertson

A1 and P1 Maths Tasks 04/06/20

Hi there boys and girls!

I hope you enjoyed your work with Unicorn and Haggis this morning!  Before we start our Maths work, let’s cuddle in and listen to today’s story from David Walliams:

It is now time for Maths and today we are learning about the seasons.

Let’s start with a song:

Next, visit the BBC Bitesize website to complete the following tasks:

Now, I would like you to take a piece of paper and fold it in half then fold it in half again so you have 4 sections when you open your paper back up.  In each section, I want you to draw a picture to show what happens in each season.  Show your drawings to a family member and see if they can guess which season is which.  When they get the correct answer, label your drawings by writing “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer” and “Autumn” in the correct section.

To finish off our morning, let’s go on another Cosmic Yoga Adventure with Enzo the Bee:

We will be back after lunch!  Enjoy!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

P1 and A1 Thursday 4th June – Literacy

Good morning everyone! Hope you are all well.

Let’s start with some exercise with Joe.

Today we will continue to learn about books and catch up with Unicorn and Haggis as Marcus finds out that books can answer questions.

  • Watch and listen to the clip below.

  • Now read the book, (below the clip), for yourself or with  a family member.
  • What type of book is this?
  • Is it fiction or non-fiction?
  • How do you know?
  • Look for the punctuation marks in the book – can you find CAPITAL LETTERS, FULL STOPS, COMMAS, EXCLAMATION MARKS, QUESTION MARKS etc
  • Think of all the question words you know:
  • WHEN?   WHERE?   WHO?   WHAT?   WHY?    WHICH?
  • Ask a family member a question beginning with each word e.g.WHEN is your birthday?   WHERE is your favourite place? etc.

The book ended with another question – “Why do some animals wake up at night and play under the starry skies?”

  • Can you think of some animals that like to come out at night?
  • Share your ideas with a family member
  • These animals are known as Nocturnal
  • Let’s find out what this means

  • What is your favourite nocturnal animal?
  • Why do you like it?
  • Tell a family member about it
  • Create your own Night and Day animals collage like the one below
  • Can you think of any more Night or Day animals to add?


Remember to share your work on the Blog or email it to us to share at assembly!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce

A1/P1 Rainbow cloud experiment 03/06/20

Good afternoon A1/P1. I hope you are all having a nice day. I’ve got a fun rainbow rain cloud experiment for you to try.
All you need is

– a glass or glass jar

– water

-food colouring

– shaving foam (not gel)

Fill your glass 3/4 full with water then squirt your shaving foam on top to make your cloud. Now you add a few drops of your food colouring and watch your rainbow rain appear!

What colours can you see? Does your rain fall straight down or make patterns?

I hope you have fun making your rain clouds and I look forward to seeing your pictures.


P1 and A1 Wednesday 3rd June – French

Bonjour les enfants!

Today we will finish off learning the days of the week in French.

  • Sing along to the Days of the Week in French song

  • How many of them did you remember?
  • Now work through the tasks on the power point below
  • Ask a family member to help

Days of the Week 3_06_20

  • To finish, draw a picture of what you do on your favourite day of the week and label it with the day in French


Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce


P1 and A1 Wednesday 3rd June – Data Handling

Hello again everyone!

Don’t forget to tune in to Elevenses with David Walliams at 11.00am

  • Today we will continue with Data Handling
  • Data handling means different ways of collecting, organising and displaying information.
  • Can you remember any of the ways we sorted information last week?
  • We sorted by shape, colour and size
  • What ways did you think of to sort the animals in your Education City task?

We can sort information by looking at a picture

  • Watch and listen to the clip below

  • We can organise this information into a table like the one shown below.

  • We can use this information to ask and answer questions:
  • What is the most popular animal at the pond?
  • What is the least popular animal at the pond?
  • How many ducks and frogs are there altogether?
  • How many animals are there altogether? etc.


  • Now take a look at the picture below

  • How many of each shape can you count?
  • Use the information to draw and complete a table of your own in your jotter
  • Now get a family member to ask you some questions about your table
  • To finish off try to think of a way to sort/organise  some of your toys
  • Sort them and take a photograph or draw a picture to share with us by email or by posting it on the blog
  • You could even make a table to show how you have organised them

Next week we will learn how to use information to construct a pictogram

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce


P2/3 INspire Challenge – 3rd June 2020

Good morning everyone!

Some of the teachers have decided that we would like to start setting your weekly challenges for the last 4 weeks of school before the summer. This weeks challenge has just been decided. P4-7 have already started the challenge on Teams, and i will be posting the challenges here for you!


What is CREATIVE BRAVERY!? For this set of challenges creative bravery is all about seeing things differently and having the courage to share! 

Watch this video and complete the challenges from now until Friday.

Here is the link for more information on your challenge this week.

Please share your ideas with me via email on or comment your ideas on our blog.

I look forward to hearing all about your creative bravery!

Miss Hamill 🙂 

A1 and P1 PM Writing Task 03/06/20

Good morning boys and girls!

I hope you are well and ready for PE with Joe this morning:

Now it is time for PM writing.  Today we are learning about words and sentences.

Support the children to:

  • Read the sentences aloud and identify the sentences that tell who and where.
  • Identify the sentences that tell what happened first, then and after that.
  • Read the last sentence and find out how the writer felt when the bird flew away.

Now, inside your pack you will find ‘The Bird and the Cat – Activity 4’.


The purpose of this task is to complete sentences by writing the past tense verbs went, woke and was.

First, write in a word to complete each sentence.  Use the word bank at the top to help you.  Remember to read over your work to ensure all your sentences make sense.

Lastly, draw a picture inside the box at the bottom that illustrates one or all of the sentences.  Remember to add detail to make your illustration interesting.

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping


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