A1/P1 Bubble bin sensory play

Good afternoon, I hope you have all had a fun morning. The weather isn’t great today so I have a fun indoor activity for you to do. All you will need is a large tub that will hold water or you can even do this in your kitchen sink. Some washing up liquid or shampoo, whisks, food colouring and glitter (optional).

All you need to do is fill your tub or basin with water and the soap. You add your colour and then whisk! Look at the patterns you are making and how it slowly changes colour.

Once you have whisked up your bubbles you can have fun playing. how do the bubbles feel in your hands? Can you make any shapes in the bubbles? How about hiding some small objects in the bubbles and using only your hands try and guess what they are.

I hope you have fun with your bubbles and cant wait to see all your pictures.


P1 and A1 Wednesday 10th June – French

Bonjour les enfants!

Last week we finished our lessons on the days of the week in French.

  • Today we will begin learning about the weather in French
  • First think about the different types of weather words in English:
  • sunny, rain, snow, foggy, windy, hail, hot, cold etc


  • Let’s begin learning the French vocabulary by watching and listening to the clip below

  • Now ask a family member to help you work through the power point below

Weather 10_06_20

  • We will finish off by listening to this fun weather song

  • Can you draw a picture of the weather today and label it with the correct French word?
  • Remember to share it with us by posting it on the blog or emailing it!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce


P1 and A1 Wednesday 10th June – Data Handling

Hello again everyone. Hope you enjoyed your writing task this morning!

Don’t forget to listen on to a story at 11.00 with David Walliams


Today we will continue with our work on Data Handling. Last week we used information we collected about creatures at the pond and then shapes to organise into a table.

Today we are going to look at pictograms or pictographs. This is another way of organising and displaying information to make it easier for us to to read.

Watch and listen to the clip below as coloured blocks are used to make a pictograph.

  • Think about the information in the pictograph
  • Ask a family member to help you use the  pictograph to answer the following questions:
  • Which colour is the most popular?
  • Which colour was least popular?
  • How many green and yellow blocks are there altogether?
  • How many red and blue blocks are there altogether?


  • Now look at the pictogram below.
  • Think of some more questions could you ask about the information shown in the pictogram?
  • Ask a family member your questions

  • Now look at the smarties below
  • Have a go at constructing a pictogram of your own to show the different colours
  • Record it in your jotter
  • Or you could use real smarties or other sweets to create a pictogram of your own                                                           
  • Think of some questions you could ask a family member about your pictogram


  • Finish off by answering questions on some simple pictograms
  • You can choose pictograms showing pets, fruit, ice cream and lots more


  • Choose the Vertical Pictograms option Unit = 1

Have fun!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce


A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 10/06/20

Good morning boys and girls!

Hope you are ready for PE with Joe this morning:

Now it is time for PM writing!  Today we are learning more about words and sentences.

Have a look at the story above and ask the children to:

  • read the sentences with help from an adult.
  • talk about the extra information that the writer has added in blue.  What does it tell us that we didn’t already know?
  • identify who, where and when
  • identify the sentences that tell us what happened first, then and after that.
  • read the last sentence and identify how the writer felt when the bird flew away and why.

Next, take out ‘The Bird ans the Cat – Activity 5’ from you pack:


The purpose of this task is to write a simple recount about The Cat and the Mouse with support.  First, read the words that label the picture then read the tricky words.  Using these words to help you, you are now ready to write your story.  If you want to draw your own picture on the back, that would be lovely, but please do not feel you have to.

Take your time.  Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.  We look forward to reading your stories!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping


P1 and A1 Tuesday 10th June – Art

Good afternoon boys and girls.

Hope you enjoyed your Oral Narrative activity about “The Rainbow Fish”.

Today for art why don’t you try making a rainbow fish of your own.

Here are some ideas.

You could draw, paint, make a collage or even a model fish.

Make your rainbow fish as colourful, shiny and sparkly as you like!!

We would love for you to share them with us!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce




Narrative Language – 9th June

Good Afternoon,

This afternoons narrative language task is listening to the story of The Rainbow Fish. After you listen to the story see if you can remember what happened during it and tell a parent or carer.

After that I have a task for you to make up your own story about what happened in the book if you could change it. What would Rainbow Fish do?

I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing all your fabulous ideas!


Miss Robertson

A1 Numeracy Tasks 09/06/20

Hello again A1!

It is now time for Numeracy.

P1 pupils are learning about numbers up to 20:

P3 and P7 pupils are learning about subtraction:

Please have a look inside your packs.

P1 pupils complete the next 2 pages of your ‘Numbers to 20’ workbook.

P3 and P7 pupils, complete the next 2 pages of your ‘Subtraction to 10’ workbook.

To finish the morning off, why not get some fresh air while completing your daily mile before lunch time?  Check out yesterdays post if you didn’t manage to do the “Daily Mile at Home” challenge.

We will be back after lunch!  Enjoy!

Mrs Bryce

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