A1 and P1 Home Learning Tasks 19/06/20

Good Morning everyone!

This morning will be the very last PE with Joe so lets make sure we give it our all!

Make sure you have a big drink of water before starting our learning tasks for today.  Click on the link below and listen to the songs and stories before completing some of the suggested tasks:


  • Let’s sing along with the song ‘Ten Fat Sausages’ but this time lets add some of our own sound effects for sizzling, pop and bang!  What could we use to make these sounds?  Perhaps, you could crinkle a crisp packet, clap your hands or bang an upside down basin?  Remember to use your fingers to count down the sausages.

  • Let’s listen to the story of the ‘The Three Wishes’ again:

  • Now make a story board to show what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story.  You can divide a page in your jotter up into 3 sections then draw a picture and write a sentence to show what you think are the three main parts of the story.

  • Lets all sing ‘When you Want to Make a Spell’:

  • Can you make your own magic wand and fairy dust at home?  We would love to see your creations!
  • Can you mix up your own magic potion?  Write a recipe for it in your jotter.
  • Can you create your own spell book?  What spells would you have in it?

Keep an eye on the blog later today for your Health and Wellbeing tasks!  Keep sharing your lovely creations and learning with us!  Your photos make our day!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

A1 and P1 Home Learning Tasks 18/06/20

Good Morning boys and girls!

I hope you are all ready for our second last PE session with Joe:

Today our learning is going to be all about the story of the ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’.  Lets start by watching the story.


  • You may want to act the story out. Perhaps you could make some goat and troll masks from old cereal boxes, paper plates or card:

Goat Mask Activity

  • You could even make your own little Billy Goat puppets from lollypop sticks or sock puppets.

  • You could draw around a family member and ask a family member to draw around you on the ground outside using chalk.  Why not make each figure shape into trolls?  What do you think the trolls will look like?

Time for a break!  Let’s have a rest and listen to ‘The Troll’ by Julia Donaldson:


  • This story has lots of mathematical language. Talk to your child about the different sized goats; small, medium and large. The Troll might be gigantic. Try to find other words for large.  In your jotter, write down as many words for large as you can think of.
  • Have a go at playing this learning game to help you learn about size.  Click on the link below.


  • You could build your own bridge from cushions, boxes, Lego, blocks or any household items you can think of. Use positional language such as over, under, beneath
    and on top when playing with your puppets and your homemade bridge.
  • Log on to your study ladder account and complete the positional language tasks that are assigned to you.


  • This is a wonderful story to learn about sounds.  Could you trip-trap around your home? Think about the different sounds. Can you trip-trap quietly like the smallest Billy Goat or loudly like the biggest Billy Goat?  What things in your home can you find that make loud sounds e.g. making a drum kit out of pots and pans, using wooden spoons as drumsticks.  What things in your home can you find that make quiet sounds e.g. rubbing your hands along the carpet.
  • You might think about different sounds in your home. What can you hear when you listen carefully? You might be able to hear the ping of a microwave. Can you hear the fridge? Perhaps you could record the sounds around you?  Click on the link below to find out more about going on a sound hunt:


  • Sequence the story in your jotter.  Have a look at the following activities to help you:



Time for another Yoga Adventure with Cosmic Kids:

Enjoy today’s learning!  We will be back tomorrow!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

Bubble Painting

Good afternoon, I hope you have all had a good morning. This afternoon I have a fun activity for you to try.

What you will need –

  • paint
  • drinking straws
  • washing up liquid
  • paper

First of all decide which paint colours you are going to use and put about a tablespoon of each colour in a different cup. Then add a squirt of washing up liquid to each cup and fill the cup 3/4 full with water and stir well.

Now use your straws to blow the into your mixture to create the bubbles. Once they are ready to overflow from your cup, place a piece of paper on top and watch how it prints the bubble pattern onto it.

You can then blow back into your paint to create more bubbles and make as many pictures as you want. If they aren’t dark enough just add more paint as you go along.

If you have any bubbles at home you could even use the blowers to dip into your paint and blow some paint bubbles onto your paper.

I hope you have fun creating your bubble art work and I look forward to seeing what you all create!

Kirsty 🙂


P1 and A1 Home Learning Tasks – 17/06/20

Good morning boys and girls. Hope you are all well.

Let’s kick start the day with Joe Wicks

Today we will continue our learning through the story of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

  • Listen to the short clip below to help recall the story


  • Now look at the activities below and choose the task you like best
  • You do not need to print the activity sheet
  • Complete the task in your jotter
  • You only need to complete 1 task


Choose either:

  • Match them up! – draw the pictures from the story and write the correct word beside each one
  • What’s the order? – read the sentences and write the correct number to match each sentence
  • Choose the answer! –  read then copy and complete each sentence correctly
  • Find the words! – find the words from the story in the word search and copy them into your jotter

Just before you have a break, work through the power point below and choose the correct missing sound then have a well earned rest.

Goldilocks phonics

Now let’s get comfy and listen to a story about what happened to the bears when they tried to have their revenge on Goldilocks! It does not go well!



  • Try some of the practical activities below:
    • Find your dolls, teddies, play figures etc. Line them up from the tallest to the shortest.
    • How tall are you? Can you measure your height? Use a  tape measures. Just experience and explore. Use a ruler and see  how long things are.
    • Use a spoon as a measuring device. Go around and see if things are the same size, shorter or longer than the spoon.
    • Why not make a paper chain. Talk about this getting longer, the more you add. You could measure it. You could also count the links together.
    • How many strides is the room length? How many steps is it?
    • Who is the tallest in your house? Who is the shortest and who is in the middle?
    • Can you make a list or a collection of teeny, tiny things? What other words describe small?
    • Which things are larger than e.g. a cow? Could it be a bus, a whale, a house, a car etc?   Make a list or draw things.
    • Draw around your hands. Who has the largest hands? How many fingers do you have?
    • Make long and short play dough worms and snakes

To finish off this part of the morning, play this comparing sizes game:


Before lunch why not get active and do the Daily Mile. Try one of the Challenges suggested below as you walk, skip or jog:


Hope you all enjoyed your lunch!

Wednesday is usually our day to learn some French so this afternoon let’s listen to the story of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” in French.

  • Listen carefully and see if you recognise any French vocabulary.

  • The French word for three is trois
  • Join in with this French numbers song to revise numbers up to 10

  • Practice counting aloud in French from un to dix
  • Practice counting aloud down from dix to un
  • Roll a dice or play dominoes and say the numbers in French

We hope you had fun with all of your tasks and activities today.

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce

Buddy Challenge!

Calling all Future Primary Six and Seven Children

Buddy Challenge

At present school is not what it used to be and we are all coping in different ways with the consequences of the Covid 19 pandemic.  However although schools are closed we are carrying on with our work and thinking creatively on how to deliver some of the things we would normally do in school remotely.

One of the aspects of school that I need to consider while we are in lockdown is how to make sure that our new Primary Pupils starting school in August will feel safe, secure and excited about coming to school.

The staff team still want to have a buddy programme but acknowledge that it will be different from the programmes we have had in the past because of social distancing measures.

This is where I need your help and I am hoping that you will all be up for the challenge! 

Next session we will have approximately 14 Primary One Pupils and I would like you to prepare something for the pupils to either put in their Induction Packs or add to our Primary One Induction Sway Presentation.

I am looking for you to share your journey of your time at Blackburn Primary School.  I would like you to think about enjoyable experiences you have had in school and how you might be able to support your buddy remotely when our school opens in August.  This could be in the form of a presentation, leaflet, poster, video, drawing; mind map the list is endless!

I would like you to include information on:

How you might support your buddy whilst complying with social distancing measures

Activities you could do remotely with your buddy

What you have learned about the Blackburn School Family values

Anything else you think your buddy would want to find out

We have asked the new pupils joining our school to think about some questions they have about starting P1 which we hope you will be able to answer for them.  Watch this space!

I look forward to getting your creative ideas


Miss Clarkson Head Teacher

Blackburn Primary School

Hopefield Nursery Class




Blackburn Primary, our school family, growing, learning and succeeding

P1 and A1 Home Learning Tasks – 16/06/20

Good morning everyone. Hope you are all well.

Time to get active with Joe!

Today our learning will be around the story of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”,  so maybe you could go and get your favourite teddy bear to help with some of the tasks before we begin.

Make sure you are in a good space as you will be asked to join in with some actions.

  • First listen carefully and join in with the “House of the Bears” activity below.


  • Now create some stick puppets of the characters in the story like the ones below and use your puppets to retell the story in your own words
  • How do you think each character sounds? Can you change your voice to sound like all the different characters?

  • Have a look at pages 26 and 27 of the Exciting_Learning_Opportunities_Home_Learning_Collection booklet before starting our activities:
  • Try the Descriptions sensory activity. What can you find that is soft, smooth, hard, lumpy, rough or fluffy around your home?
  • Sort them into groups and compare and contrast them against each other.

Time for a break.

Now get comfy and watch and listen to another version of the story.


  • Do you think Goldilocks should have done what she did?
  • Talk about her actions with a family member.
  • Write a short letter to the three bears from Goldilocks in your jotter
  • What do you think she should say to them?
  • Should she tell them she is sorry?
  • Set it out like the one below:


  • There are lots of different types of bears
  • How many can you think of?
  • Watch and listen to the clip below to find out more about bears

  • What is your favourite type of bear?
  • What does it look like, where does it live, what does it eat?
  • Do some research on your favourite type of bear to find out more about it and perhaps you could make a “Bear Fact File” about it with some information and illustrations or photos cut out from newspapers or magazines

Before lunch why don’t you keep active and head out to do the Daily Mile. Choose one of the Challenges and remember to keep safe.



For art this afternoon why don’t you get creative and make a picture of your favourite type of bear. Draw, paint, use collage materials or make a model.

Hopefully these pictures will inspire you.

Don’t forget to share them with us!



  • To finish off this afternoon perhaps a family member could help you to make some porridge or you could pretend to make some
  • Think about how the consistency changes as it cooks
  • What toppings would you add to your porridge?  Use your imagination – fruit, syrup, honey mmmmm!

See you tomorrow for another day of learning!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce











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