A1 and P1 Home Learning Tasks 18/06/20

Good Morning boys and girls!

I hope you are all ready for our second last PE session with Joe:

Today our learning is going to be all about the story of the ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’.  Lets start by watching the story.


  • You may want to act the story out. Perhaps you could make some goat and troll masks from old cereal boxes, paper plates or card:

Goat Mask Activity

  • You could even make your own little Billy Goat puppets from lollypop sticks or sock puppets.

  • You could draw around a family member and ask a family member to draw around you on the ground outside using chalk.  Why not make each figure shape into trolls?  What do you think the trolls will look like?

Time for a break!  Let’s have a rest and listen to ‘The Troll’ by Julia Donaldson:


  • This story has lots of mathematical language. Talk to your child about the different sized goats; small, medium and large. The Troll might be gigantic. Try to find other words for large.  In your jotter, write down as many words for large as you can think of.
  • Have a go at playing this learning game to help you learn about size.  Click on the link below.


  • You could build your own bridge from cushions, boxes, Lego, blocks or any household items you can think of. Use positional language such as over, under, beneath
    and on top when playing with your puppets and your homemade bridge.
  • Log on to your study ladder account and complete the positional language tasks that are assigned to you.


  • This is a wonderful story to learn about sounds.  Could you trip-trap around your home? Think about the different sounds. Can you trip-trap quietly like the smallest Billy Goat or loudly like the biggest Billy Goat?  What things in your home can you find that make loud sounds e.g. making a drum kit out of pots and pans, using wooden spoons as drumsticks.  What things in your home can you find that make quiet sounds e.g. rubbing your hands along the carpet.
  • You might think about different sounds in your home. What can you hear when you listen carefully? You might be able to hear the ping of a microwave. Can you hear the fridge? Perhaps you could record the sounds around you?  Click on the link below to find out more about going on a sound hunt:


  • Sequence the story in your jotter.  Have a look at the following activities to help you:



Time for another Yoga Adventure with Cosmic Kids:

Enjoy today’s learning!  We will be back tomorrow!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

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