Category Archives: Whole School

Message from Janet Clarkson, Headteacher and NHS Lothian

We are aware of a person within Blackburn Primary School who has tested positive for COVID-19. We are working closely with NHS Lothian Health Protection Team and following all national guidance.

Anyone that may have been in close and sustained contact with the case will be contacted directly and will need to self-isolate. They will be given appropriate guidance and advice.

If you are not contacted directly to inform you that your child is a close contact, then your child should attend school as normal (if they have been granted a place at school during the current lockdown).

Enhanced cleaning and infection control measures are in place, in line with national guidance. The school is safe and remains open for staff and pupils who have been granted a place during the current lockdown.

If you have any concerns in the meantime, or if you need to book a COVID-19 test because your child has developed symptoms (high temperature, a new continuous cough and/or a loss or change in sense of smell or taste) please visit the NHS Inform website or for non-clinical advice call 0800 028 2816.

Please note that a test should only be booked if you or your child has these specifics symptoms.

Remember to stay at home if anyone in the household has symptoms of COVID-19.

For further information you may find this FAQs useful

Best wishes,

Janet Clarkson

2021_03_03 Letter to All Parents for Single Confirmed Case of COVID – Blackburn PS

Whole School Art Project Research University of Edinburgh

The school are currently undertaking an art project with all pupils in the school in collaboration with the National Galleries of Scotland.  This has involved the teachers and pupils working with artist on the theme of uncertainty and ‘What is essential?   As part of the project audio and visual recordings of pupils will be made and shared with a research team from the University of Edinburgh and stored on their secure server.  These recordings will be analysed by researchers at the University of Edinburgh and where parents and carers have requested, any child can be out of view of the video camera and all audio recordings will be anonymous.

P6/7 Learning Activities Thursday 4th Feb

Use the  Persuasive SECOND LEVEL pupil-friendly targets to assess your writing (Miss McLuckie will go over this at 9:15 on Teams).   Make at least one improvement before posting it on the Better Together Teams page.

P6.7 Numeracy Thurs   and decimal place questions

Complete the Quality chat survey about your coaching conversation/connected cafe wonder
Add to the skills padlet
**Both links can be found on the coaching channels on Better Together – if you get stuck just ask 🙂
Visit Jack’s website, complete the challenge and give feedback.  Jack is an artist working with P4-7 .  You can find this on the Better Together Teams page.