Category Archives: Whole School

P2/3 Literacy – Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning P2/3,

I hope you all had a very relaxing weekend. I helped my mum paint the fence in the garden, took my dog lots of walk and started a new TV series! If you would like to let me know what you have been up too, comment below. I would love to hear some of your stories.ย ๐Ÿ™‚

PE WITH JOE WICKS AT 9am –ย lets get active!

Today for literacy, i would like you to have a look at your new spelling words for this week. I will attach them below. Do you know what all of your words mean? If not, investigate with someone at home and find out. I would then like you to choose 3 spelling activities to complete from your grid for week 2.

Reading – read 10 pages of the book you are currently reading at home. If you were to change the setting of your book, where would you change it to? Remember, the setting of your book is where the story takes place, for example the jungle, in space, underwater. Draw a picture of your new story setting in your jotter.

Miss Hamill ๐Ÿ˜€

Master Minds week 1 + 2 spelling

Bright Sparks week 1 + 2 spelling

Genius Gems week 1 + 2 spelling

P2/3 27/03/20

Hi everyone,

It’s Friday at last and what a week it has been! I hope you have enjoyed trying all the learning challenges that have been set out for you this week, and are looking forward to more exciting challenges to come next week.

For now enjoy the weekend, stay safe and we look forward to hearing from you all on Monday.

Miss McLuckie ๐Ÿ™‚

P2/3 Storywriting 26/03/20

Good morning P2/3!

Are we all ready to take on the day? I know Holly and I are after working out with Joe Wicks this morning!

I would like to set a storywriting challenge to you all today – can you write instructions teaching us how to play your favourite game? It could be for a board game, computer game, or even an outdoor game – the choice is yours. Let’s have some fun and share our instructions with each other. Remember you can comment on the blog or post pictures of your learning to Twitter so we can see how you are doing.

Have a lovely day everyone!

Miss McLuckie

A1 and P1 Yoga 25/03/20

Good afternoon boys and girls!

I hope you have enjoyed your lunch and are ready for some more fun home learning!ย  I cannot wait to see what you create for your Stick Man and/or Gruffalo challenges set by Maisie and Miss Robertson.

Now, after all those Spider Man lunges this morning, lets stay in character for our Yoga session this afternoon.ย  Enjoy this fun Spider Man themed Cosmic Kids Yoga session in the comfort of your own living room or bedroom.

Mrs Bryce

A1 – Stickman Outdoor Learning/Literacy task

Good Afternoon A1, I am missing you all! I hope you are all keeping safe and well!ย  Here is little activity which will hopefully get you out in the fresh air and having lots of fun!

If you have a copy of the book Stickman by Julia Donaldson, read it along with your grown up. Alternatively you can find it on YouTube using this link. ย Then go out into your garden and make your own Stickman. Take him on some adventures, you could write a little story about his adventures and maybe take some photos if you are able. If you don’t have a garden why not try making a person from any household item such as a wooden spoon or pegs! I have posted pictures of the one I made yesterday! He enjoyed sitting in the chair listening to the David Walliams story this morning! I cant wait to see you pictures!

Good Luck

Maisie .