Category Archives: A1

Christmas comes to Blackburn Primary

As the nativity and pantomime practices take over and with pva glue and glitter flying all over the school for Christmas crafts each class found time to add a bit of Christmas cheer to the hall.


This year as our focus in school is on raising the profile of reading we have each decided to focus on a Christmas book.


P1/2: The Jolly Christmas Postman

A1: The Christmas Tale of Peter Rabbit

P2/3: The Snowman

A2: The Polar Express

P4/5: Father Christmas

P6/7:  How the Grinch stole Christmas



Christmas Post in A1

Well it is that time of year once again and A1 have been super busy preparing for the Christmas Post! We will be sorting and delivering all the letters to the pupils and staff in the school each day. Please ensure that you put the first name, surname and primary class on the envelope to help us when sorting your cards.

Our Big Spotacular for Children in Need!

Our Bake Sale was a huge hit!  Thank you to the Nurture group, A1 and A2 for all the lovely baking!

Just have a look at all of the fabulous entries to the Design a Pudsey Competition!  Talk about creativity!  Well done to everyone who entered!

It was incredibly hard to choose the winners but 4 winners had to be voted on.  The winners were …

Thank you to Mrs Hamilton for making up the wonderful raffle prizes!  The 2 lucky winners of the raffle were …

Blackburn Primary School and Hopefield Nursery Class raised an impressive £290.90 for Children in Need this year so well done and thank you for all of the support and participation this year!

A1 – Cosy Reading Corner Launch!

A1 are so excited and ready to blast off to new adventures in a good book in our new cosy reading corner! The children have helped to set up some of the area and have already been enjoying using it before the launch of book week on November 27th. It has been quite a bit of work with even the adults lifting a paintbrush or two but I am sure you will all agree it looks like a great area to cosy up and read in. A huge thanks to Mr Hamilton & Master Hamilton for making us our amazing reading bench with space to store our books – it is just out of this world!


Welcome to A1

A1 have made a great start back to school and to the new school session. We have been out in the sensory garden picking apples that have been busy growing whilst we were on our holidays. We had lots of washing, peeling and chopping to do before making a scrummy apple crumble.

Mrs McLay thought it was delicious! All the other apples we couldn’t use we gave to Mr Warrick to feed to the horse.


Science Fun

ASD1 really enjoyed the final activity of our Science topic about changes. We had been investigating chemical reactions and this time we looked at the cooling/freezing reaction that happens when you mix ice with rock salt. This was demonstrated by making ice cream in plastic bags!
We placed all the ingredients into small, sealable plastic bags, which then went into larger, sealable bags filled with ice and rock salt. Then we put our gloves on, then (helped by Taylor Swift) we shook it up for five minutes. The best bit was tasting the ice cream that was in our small bag when we opened it!

Investigating outdoors.

ASD1 have been exploring a variety of Habitats on weekly outings in the community, some close at hand, and others further away. We starting looking at the plants and wildlife that we could find in our own school grounds – there are micro-habitats there, with lots of mini beasts to find.

We then travelled to Eliburn Park to see what we could find in the reservoir there. We tried dipping our nets into the pond but only found some flukes (small worms) and the larva of a dragonfly. We spotted some ducklings and lots of wild plants too.

Our next outing on the bus was to look at woodland wildlife at Beecraigs Country Park. We heard lots of birds but didn’t spot any although we did encounter a very hairy caterpillar on our way back. We did gather a few treasures to examine further at school.

Easter Inch Moss was a very rich habitat and we have explored plant/ tree life and pond life there – and we even went off track into the wilderness, spotting a buzzard soaring in the sky.

There was even evidence of plant and animal life in Whitehill Industrial Estate.

When we get back to school we use books to look up what we have found and then write this up into our Nature Journals. It is fun being explorers!