Category Archives: A1

A1 Literacy Tasks 27/03/20

Good morning all!

Who has that Friday feeling?  Please find attached your literacy tasks for this morning.  There is also a nice little art and craft task in there too, seeing it’s Friday and all!

I am loving all of the photos of you doing your tasks so thank you parents and carers for sending me them!  Please keep them coming!  I am so proud of you all!  I will check in again after story time with David Walliams.

2020_03_27 Literacy Timetable

2020_03_27 Make your own music shaker

Mrs Bryce


A1 and P1 Food Technology 26/03/20

Good afternoon boys and girls!

I hope you enjoyed your lunch but I hope you have left some space for a sweet treat!  This afternoon in food technology we are going to make a gingerbread man!

First, watch and listen to the story of The Gingerbread Man using this link:

Then follow the recipe to make your very own gingerbread man.

Gingerbread Men Recipe

I can’t wait to see the end results!  Remember to tag us in your posts on twitter using @wlblackburnps

Here is the gingerbread man that Mrs Bryce made with her children this morning… yum!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping


A1 Science experiment day 4

Good morning A1, I hope you are all well. I have a fun science experiment making Gobbledy Goo for you all to try. All you need is 2 cups of cornflour, 1 cup of water and some food colouring.

I tried this with my little boy yesterday and we had lots of fun picking the goo up then watching it run through our fingers turning into a liquid.
I hope you have fun experimenting with your goo and look forward to hearing how you get on. Send us any of your messy goo pictures!
Enjoy your afternoon.
Kirsty 🙂




A1 – Stickman Outdoor Learning/Literacy task

Good Afternoon A1, I am missing you all! I hope you are all keeping safe and well!  Here is little activity which will hopefully get you out in the fresh air and having lots of fun!

If you have a copy of the book Stickman by Julia Donaldson, read it along with your grown up. Alternatively you can find it on YouTube using this link. Then go out into your garden and make your own Stickman. Take him on some adventures, you could write a little story about his adventures and maybe take some photos if you are able. If you don’t have a garden why not try making a person from any household item such as a wooden spoon or pegs! I have posted pictures of the one I made yesterday! He enjoyed sitting in the chair listening to the David Walliams story this morning! I cant wait to see you pictures!

Good Luck

Maisie .

Day 3 – Maths

Hello again,

Don’t forget to tune into “Elevenses” today with David Walliams where you can listen the story, “Spoiled Brad”, during our regular milk and story time.

Then we will have a look at 2D shapes.

  • Sing-a-long to this 2D shape song to help refresh your memory.

  • Now have a look around your home and out of the window and try to identify as many different 2D shapes as you can.
  • Complete page 2 and 3 in your TeeJay Shape workbook (A9) and then create your own 2D shape picture by either drawing shapes or cutting and sticking shapes in your jotter from your School Closure Pack.

Have fun!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce


A1 and P1 Literacy Task 25/03/20

Wow … those spider man lunges and bunny hops were tough at PE this morning!  Once you have had a drink and a rest have a look at today’s Literacy Task.

PM Writing Task – The Big Tree

Learning about Words

Parents please ask the children to:

  • Look at the pictures carefully and talk about who and what is in them
  • Read the labels of each picture
  • Use the list of key words and the labels to make sentences

Next, look inside your pack for “The Big Tree – Activity 1”.  Practice reading and writing each key word in the small boxes then use them to complete the sentences.  Make sure you read each sentence back to yourself to ensure it makes sense.  In the box at the bottom, draw a picture to match the sentences then colour it in.  Post or email a photo of your completed work.  Remember to write your name and date at the top.  Take your time and use your neatest handwriting!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

recount_big_tree_activity 1


Primary 1 – Day 2

Hello again,

Now try some of the Literacy activities on Study Ladder to reinforce initial letters and sounds. Remember your log in details are in the front cover of your jotter in your School Closure Pack.

At 11.00am, which is our regular milk and story time in class, tune into David Walliams on You Tube to listen to the story of  The Terrible Triplets story  on:

Happy listening!!