Category Archives: A1

A1 Literacy Tasks 27/04/20

Good Morning A1!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend in the sunshine!  Please check the visual timetable for your literacy tasks this morning.

27.04.20 Literacy Timetable

After PE with Joe this morning, join in with the Jolly Phonics songs.  Don’t forget to do the actions!

When it is time for you to do your next spelling/phonics task, you will need to find your phonics or spelling booklet from inside your pack.

Please remember to join in with Fischy Music live at 11am!

Have fun!  Mrs Bryce



Good morning A1 & P1 today i thought we could explore our sense of taste. What are your favourite foods? Are they sweet,sour,salty or bitter? Lets try an experiment to find out. Send us some pictures and let us know how you get on. Follow the link below to get started and enjoy.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe


A1 Literacy Tasks 24/04/20

Good Morning A1

I am so excited to see what Joe has dressed up as for ‘Fancy Dress Friday’.  Remember to tune in for your final workout of the week at 9am

Please have a look at the visual timetable for the rest of your tasks.

24_04_20 Literacy Timetable

Keep an eye out on the blog later this morning as Kelly will be posting an exciting science experiment for you all to try.

I will check back in after story time with David Walliams.

Mrs Bryce

P1 and A1 Thursday 23rd April – Oral Narrative

Good afternoon everyone! Hope you have had a productive morning and enjoyed your lunch.

Now its time for a story!

In keeping with our Spring theme this week, listen to and watch “The Thing About Spring” by Daniel Kirk

Talk about the story with a family member and try to answer some of these questions.

  • WHO are the main characers in the story?
  • WHICH character do you like best and WHY?
  • WHAT are some of the good things that can happen in spring?
  • Think about the other 3 seasons of the year
  • Can you name them?

Continue reading P1 and A1 Thursday 23rd April – Oral Narrative

A1 Literacy Tasks 23/04/20

Good Morning A1!

Who is ready for PE with Joe?

Here is the visual timetable for our literacy tasks this morning.

23.04.20 Literacy Timetable

Remember to send me any photos you have of your work.  Miss Clarkson is busy making an assembly presentation for Friday and she would love to include some examples of your achievements!

I will check in again after story time with David Walliams.

Mrs Bryce

A1/P1 craft task 22/04/20

Good afternoon A1/P1. I hope you have all had a great morning. Now that you have read the story about The Big Tree I thought it would be a good idea to make a birdhouse.

All you need is –

  • An empty milk carton (clean this out first)
  • Some pens or paint
  • String to hang your birdhouse
You will need an adults help to cut your doors out but then you can decorate this however you like 🙂 Why don’t you have a look around your garden or when you are out your next walk for some twigs or leaves that you could use as a comfy bed for the birds.
Im looking forward to seeing all your pictures of your different birdhouses. Here is mine hanging up in my garden waiting for the birds to come visit.
Kirsty 🙂

Yoga 22/04/20

Good Afternoon A1 and P1!

I cannot wait to see your writing and shape work from this morning.  I hope you have had a nice lunch and are ready for your yoga session this afternoon.

Keep an eye out for Kirsty posting another activity in a little while.

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping