Category Archives: A1

P1 and A1 – Wednesday 29th April – French

Good afternoon everyone. Hope you are ready for some French learning fun!

Today we are going to learn colours in French.

  • Listen to and join in with this French colours song

  • Watch and listen to the Power Point below. Click on the speaker icon to hear the vocabulary and and don’t forget to repeat the colours in French

Colours 29th April

  • Now log into Linguascope to play some fun colours game in French to reinforce what you have been learning this afternoon

  • username : bbps
  • password: french
  • Click on the Elementary Level
  • Then click on the circle showing the French Flag for French activities
  • Now find COULEURS in the second column

Have fun!!

Thank you, Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce






P1 and A1 Wednesday 29th April – Shape

Hello again everyone. Hope you enjoyed your PM writing task this morning.

Tune in for story time with David Walliams at 11.00am

Today we will continue finding out about 3D or solid shapes.

Can you remember the 3D shapes as you sing along to this song?


  • Next have a look at the 3D Shapes power point below and click on each shape to show some everyday examples

3D Shapes PP 1

  • Now look at the 3D shape picture below

  • How many of these 3D shapes can you spot ?
  • Count the number of:
  • spheres
  • cylinders
  • cubes
  • cuboids
  • pyramids


  • Next complete page 8 of your Shape Workbook (A9)
  • Can you create a 3D shape model of your own using blocks/bricks/lego/construction set or even items from around your home?
  • You could create a rocket, a robot, a building or use your imagination and create something completely different
  • We would love to see what you come up with!

Thank you, Mrs Topping  and Mrs Bryce


A1 and P1 Literacy 29/04/20

Don’t forget to join in with PE with Joe at 9am.

PM Writing Task – The Big Tree

Today we are learning more about words and sentences.  Have a look at the story above.  The text in blue is extra information to make the story more detailed and interesting to read.

Asking the children to read/listen to the sentences then:

  • Talk about the blue text and what additional information it adds to the story.
  • Identify the sentences that tell us who is in the story, where the story is set and when it takes place.
  • Identify the sentences that describe what happened first, then and after that.
  • Talk about how the writer felt about the big tree.

Next, look inside your pack for “The Big Tree – Activity 4”.

recount_big_tree_activity 4

The purpose of this activity is to complete sentences by writing the past tense verbs played, looked and liked.  When you are finished make sure you read each sentence back to yourself to ensure it makes sense.  In the box at the bottom, please draw a detailed picture that illustrates the story.  Remember to add lots of detail.

After all your hard work why not cuddle up on the couch to listen to today’s chapter of ‘Fing’ read by David Walliams?

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping


A1 and P1 Art Activity 28/04/20

Good Afternoon boys and girls!

Let’s get creative

By using hand prints or footprints, make an animal painting of your choice.  Here are some ideas, but you can make any animal you want to!

If you don’t have  paint at home, you could always make your own.  Check out this simple recipe on how to make taste safe paint.

Remember to send us photos of your lovely art work!  Have fun!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

P1/A1 Tuesday 28th April – Oral Narrative

Good afternoon everyone. Hope you enjoyed your lunch.

For our task this afternoon, look at the pictures of Danny and Amy below.


  • Talk to a family member about WHERE the children might like to go on holiday?
  • WHAT can you see in the pictures that tell us this?

Now look at the pictures of the objects below.

  • Look at each object in the picture and decide WHICH character would use or enjoy it on holiday and WHY?
  • Think about WHERE you would like to go on holiday?
  • WHAT things would you need to take with you?

Thank you, Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce

A1 Literacy Tasks 28.04.20

Good Morning!

Lets get moving with PE with Joe!

Please check the visual timetable for the rest of your tasks this morning.

28.04.20 Literacy Timetable

Let’s go on a boat journey this morning with ‘Singing Hands’!

I will check back in later this morning after David Walliams has read us the next chapter of ‘Fing’.

Mrs Bryce

A1/P1 Outdoor Learning – Earthworms.

Good Afternoon guys.

Now I know how much my little class love to play with worms…………..yuck! I thought we could do some investigations to help us learn a bit more about our wiggly friends.  Relax and listen to the story I have linked below and then we can go ‘undercover’ and learn all about Mr Worm!

In the story Grandma and the boy conduct several investigations that we could do too!

  •  Have a look in your garden under your garden toys or furniture. Or if you don’t have a garden when you are out for your daily exercise have a look out for leaves that have been pulled into holes in the ground, our wiggly friends may be hiding here.
  • Try to get an earthworm to come to the surface by pouring some water on a patch of ground, this may take a little while.
  • Once you see a worm have a good look at it. How do you know which end is the head? Usually a worm moves forward so its head would be at the front. The head is also more pointed.
  • The earthworm is made of ring like segments, can you count them?
  • If you feel like it place the earthworm in you hand, is it cold, is it slimy?
  • Can you feel the little segments as the earthworm moves each segment has little hairlike bristles on them, these are called Setae.

Please remember if you touch the worms be GENTLE and ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS!!

Have fun


A1 STEM 27/4/20

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and were able to enjoy some of the lovely weather.

As it is Spring, I thought this afternoon we could try to find out what Spring looks like.

I would like you to make your own photo frame, this could be from anything you have – cardboard, lollipop sticks, twigs … and decorate it to make it bright and colourful.

Then I would like you to go outside and try to take photos of what you think Spring looks like. This could be flowers starting to grow, green leaves on the trees, bugs/insects. If you can post your photos to Twitter I would love to see what you can all find. Here are some ideas to inspire you – Photo frames  We made ours from an Easter Egg box and coloured it in.

Have fun, Miss McLuckie