Category Archives: A1

A1 & P1 obstacle course

Good morning A1 & P1 i hope you are all well and have had another good week of home learning. Today i thought we could get creative and active by making our very own obstacle course indoors or out in the garden. I recommend 6 or more different stations containing a challenge or movement that you must complete to move forward. You can use a number of everyday/household items to create your obstacle such as-

  • empty kitchen roll tubes
  • blankets
  • kitchen utensils
  • cushions
  • toys/teddies

the list is endless.

Here are a few ideas-

  • crawl under/over chairs
  • crawl under a piece of string attached to two chair legs
  • jump in and out of a hula-hoop 5 times
  • jump over a selection of cushions (the floor is lava)
  • throw a  bean bag/ball into a washing basket/box
  • do 10 jumping jacks

These are just a few ideas you can use but i would love to see what you can come up with.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of your obstacles lets get active and have fun. have a lovely weekend




P1 and A1 Thursday 14th May – Food Technology

Good afternoon everyone! Hope you enjoyed the Oral Narrative activity from Miss Robertson.

Anyone fancy something sweet?

This afternoon you might want to try a tasty Melting Moments recipe from Mr Muddle.

You can find the recipe printed out below or by using the link.


Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 – 30 minutes
Makes: About 10 large biscuits
Skill level: So easy a 3 year old could do it (with a little adult supervision)


  • self-raising flour – 75g
  • caster sugar – 100g
  • butter/margarine– softened – 100g
  • half an egg – beaten
  • vanilla essence – 1tsp
  • cornflakes – crushed – a few handfuls
  • salt – pinch
  • Pre-heat your oven to 180c/gas mark 5

Find a large bowl, add the sugar and softened butter and cream together with a wooden spoon.

Add the half egg and vanilla essence and mix together.

Sift in the flour along with a pinch of salt and mix everything together (use your hands) until it forms a firm ball of dough.

Crush up some cornflakes and scatter onto a plate.

Take a teaspoon of the biscuit mixture and roll into a ball

Roll in the crushed cornflakes until thoroughly coated.

Place on a greased baking sheet and slightly flatten to more of a disc shape.

Continue this process until you have used up the dough.

Bake in the oven for between 20 and 30 minutes until golden brown.

Leave to cool on a wire rack.


Remember to send us some photos of your Melting Moments or post on Twitter.

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce




Narrative Language – Thursday 14th May

Good afternoon P1 and A1,

Hope you have had fun doing Mrs Bryce’s and Mrs Toppings activities today. This afternoon I have another narrative language task for you.

First I would like you to listen to Too Many Carrots by Katy Hudson.

Once you have listened to the story I would like to see if you can remember everywhere that Rabbit took his carrots. If you can remember see if you can remember who tried to help Rabbit with his carrots. You could even draw me a picture of your favourite part off the story.

Finally, I would like you to go out into your garden and see if you can find somewhere too keep all they carrots if they were yours. You could even build somewhere to keep them all with things you have in your garden.

I hope you all have fun with these activities. Remember and take pictures off anything you do and tag us in them on Twitter!

Our twitter is @wlblackburnps

Miss Robertson


A1 Literacy Tasks 14/05/20

Good Morning A1!

Please check your timetable! 14.05.20 Literacy Timetable

I hope you are ready for PE with Joe at 9am.

It’s now time for reading and this morning we are learning about rhyming words!

Join Unicorn and Haggis as they learn about Rhyme!

Please send in pictures of your rhyming pairs!  I will be back after story time with David Walliams.

Mrs Bryce

A1/P1 Play dough prints 13/05/20

Good afternoon A1/P1. I hope you have all had a great morning.

I thought today we could do some play dough printing. You can either use your own play dough if you have some or I have included instructions how to make your own.
Have a look around your house or garden to find some objects to print in your play dough. What shapes do they make? How does it feel?
Here are some examples for you. I can’t wait to see the pictures you all make.
Kirsty 😊

P1 and A1 Wednesday 13th May – French

Bonjour les enfants! Hope you enjoyed your lunch!

Today we will finish off learning the colours in French before starting something new next week.

  • Watch and listen to the clip below to help revise colours in French.

  • Now work through this Power Point to see if you can identify the correct colours in French

Colours pp 13th May

  • Now let’s sing ” L’arc-en-ciel” – “I can sing a rainbow”. Come on – you all know the tune!!

  • To finish you could draw and colour a rainbow in your jotter and label it in French like the one below

Arc en ciel colours

  • Mrs Bryce and I would love to see them!

Well done!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce