All posts by Mr Riding

Primary 1 & P5,6,7 Teddy Bears Picnic

For the first week of term the new Primary 1 class and their buddies (including primary 5) planned, organised and went on a Teddy bears picnic. Whether the activity  was creating some pretty nifty teddy bear invitations or  baking some teddy bear biscuits all the children involved themselves in the preparation with enthusiasm and passion. On the day the P1’s were escorted round the school grounds by their buddies. Stopping along the way to play some parachute games and be helped around the assault course. Then it was off to have some lunch in the outdoor classroom with sandwiches that had been especially prepared by the P5,6,7’s. Can you think of a more fun way to finish off your first week at school? we cant.


John Muir Outdoor learning day 4

Today we started off at South Queensferry just under the forth rail bridge to walk part of the John Muir way. It was a foggy morning but thankfully the weather didn’t take a turn for the worse.  The John Muir way spans from the west coast to the east coast and can be found here: We walked some of section 7: South Queensferry to Edinburgh. We stopped just short of Bambougle castle to head down onto the beach to explore some of the local eco systems. We hunted for limpets, cockles, welks and various other sea creatures in and amongst the rock pools. After lunch we had a chance to dip our toes in the water and discovered it was slightly colder than expected. Walking home seemed to take slightly longer which might have had something to do with some wet feet and muddy clothing weighing us down.

John Muir Outdoor learning day 3

Today we went to Beecraigs country park and tested out our orienteering skills. We split into groups and each one took a turn at navigating using our maps. Along the way we stopped and explored various parts of the forest. We found a tree that we all thought fairies must live in because it was so old and the sun was shining on it in an interesting way. We all split up at this point and found our own tree to sit beside and stayed quiet for five minutes so that we could hear the forest around us. After lunch we came back to the school to make bat boxes. Some of use learned the importance of not hitting our thumbs with the hammer. The bat boxes will eventually be put up onto the school and we hope that this will attract loads of bats to help keep the midgie population down.


John Muir Outdoor learning day 2

Today we started off at Polkemmet again. We used our maps to locate where we were and Kenny gave us more fact files to help us identify certain trees. We stopped for a snack and then ventured further into the forest where we were given the chance to cross the river almond. The first location we tried proved to be far too slippy and was abandoned in favour of a place where the stones were drier. Even this was quite a challenge but we all really enjoyed ourselves even if some of us did get a little wet. Before lunch we were given a whole group challenge to make a shelter. We had to collect large sticks and lots and lots of leaves to help build it. Kenny showed us the best way to construct it to make sure we would have shelter from the wind and rain. It took a long time to make and some children really showed great resilience in never giving up. We got to eat our lunch in the shelter before having a nice wee cup of hot chocolate. After lunch we moved locations to Redmill forest to litter pick. It really was shocking at how much we found. 20 bags that were nearly all completely full! To finish the day off we came back to the school to fill in our diaries so that we could have loads of extra time tomorrow


John Muir Outdoor learning week day 1

Today we started off at Polkemmet country park. To start off with we gathered together and Kenny (our guide) gave everyone maps. We were asked to locate ourselves and then we set off on our way. At regular points Kenny stopped us so we could have the opportunity to use our maps.  During the walk Kenny stopped us to discuss various things that we could use to start a fire. We learned that bark from a silver birch tree was excellent kindling. If we collected sap from an evergreen then this would help the bark burn longer. Once into the forest we were given fact file sheets relating to various trees and we split into groups to try and identify them. At this point it was time for snack so we settled down onto the moss and grass and had a well deserved break. Our next activity was a group challenge where Kenny asked us to make rafts out of twigs and whatever else we could find. We sailed them down the river Almond. Just after lunch Kenny showed us how to light fires using flint and steel and we all had a shot at making our own. We then went for a walk further into the woods and had a challenge at making a den. After evaluating our dens with green for growth and being tickled pink we all agreed that working together was the best way to make a den. Straight after this we had a toasted marshmallow from a fire that Kenny had made. He told us about fire safety in the woods and how to help put a fire out. After this it was time to head home to fill in our diaries and have a good rest for tomorrows fun activities.

Primary 5,6,7 Science Workshop

This afternoon we were lucky enough to be visited by Generation Science who are part of the Edinburgh International Science Festival. The children took part in an interactive workshop called Power from the People. They explored electricity; what it is and how it is produced. The class were taken on a journey as Electric Scientists to discover how they could produce electricity from the movements of their bodies.

The class were able to explore the principles of electricity through use of circuits, flowing electrons, magnets and capacitors.  As a final challenge the class  worked in small groups to build their own generator to produce electricity from their own movement.


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P5,6,7 Robert Burns preperations




It has been a very busy time for P5,6,7 since coming back from the Christmas holidays. We have been working flat out to prepare for the annual Burns supper.  We have been:


  • Learning our poems
  • Learning some Scottish dancing
  • Learning some songs
  • Creating some funny comedy to perform
  • Writing invitations
  • Writing our own poems
  • Baking some tasty treats for the supper
  • Making decorations for the dining hall
  • Making some artwork (which you can see the beginnings of in the pictures attached)


This is all on top of our normal work through the rest of the curriculum. We are very much looking forward to performing for you on the day and really hope that you can make it.


Mr Riding & P5,6,7

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