All posts by Mrs Topping

P1 and A1 Wednesday 27th May – Data Handling

Hello again everyone!

Listen in to Elevenses with David Walliams at 11.00am

We have covered lots of work on 3D Shape over the last few weeks so today we are going to look at something different – DATA HANDLING

Data handling means different ways of collecting, organising and displaying information.

Today we will begin by learning about different ways of sorting information.

Watch and listen to the clip below.

In this clip you learned about sorting by colour, shape and size.

There are many other ways of sorting – think about how you could sort the members of your family into groups:

  • adults or children
  • male or female
  • tall or short
  • long hair or short hair


  • Can you think of more/different ways of sorting people or vehicles or food?
  • Talk about different ways with a family member.
  • Next, we are going to learn about ways of sorting pets
  • Your activities have been set on Education City

Click on:

  • Find P1/A1 Maths Folder
  • Complete the 3  “Pet’s Corner” activities
  • You do not need to print the Activity Sheet – draw the animals and write the ways of sorting them in your jotter instead
  • Criteria just means different ways of sorting

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce



P1 and A1 Tuesday 26th May – Art

Good afternoon everyone! Hope you enjoyed your Oral narrative activity.

We are sure lots of you have some empty egg boxes around for recycling. Why don’t you recycle them by creating something colourful with them?

Here are some ideas or you could use your imagination and create something different.


We would love you to share what you make with us so post your photos on the blog or email them to us. Thank you.

Have fun!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce


P1 Tuesday 26th May – Numeracy

Hello again everyone!

Join David Walliams for a story at 11.00am

Today we are going to continue with Number Bonds for 10

  • How many pairs of numbers can you remember that make 10?
  • Listen to the song, “What Makes 10?” and shout out the answer when it’s your turn!!



  • Your activities have been set on

  • Click on:

  • Then go to P1 Numeracy Folder
  • Complete the 3 Number Bonds for 10 activities
  • Record the answers to the Activity Sheet in your jotter
  • Finish off with this number bonds for 10 game – you will need to be fast!!

Mrs Topping


P1 Tuesday 26th May – Literacy

Good morning everyone! Hope you are all well.

Get your daily exercise with Joe.

Remember to have a rest and a drink before Literacy.

  • Today we will continue with the ch sound
  • Join in with the Jolly Phonics song and actions

  • Watch and listen to this clip to learn some more ch words

  • Try to identify as many words using the ch sound as you can – can you think of 10?
  • Share them with a family member
  • Complete the 3 ch activities on Study Ladder and remember to do the tutorial first
  • Now choose 3 ch words write a sentence for each one on your jotter e.g. The cherry is on the bun.
  • Try to make your sentence more interesting by including an adjective or a connective – and, but, so, because, then  e.g. The juicy cherry is on the bun.
  • Remember to use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of each sentence
  • Don’t forget to write neatly

To finish off, try the game below and see how many ch words you can spell correctly

I will check back in with you just before maths.

Mrs Topping


P1 Monday 25th May – Numeracy

Welcome back! Sorry boys and girls I forgot to publish the Cheeping Chicks activity on Education City but I have done it now if you want to have a go later!

Tune in to the Monday Assembly with Fischy Music.

Today let’s try something new to start with and count back down from 100 to 1.

Join in and try to do all the actions with Jack!

  • Today’s activities have been set on Study Ladder
  • 25th May – Addition to 20
  • Remember to do the Tutorial first, then the Practice activity and use the Activity Sheet but you don’t need to print it – you can write the calculations and record the answers in your jotter
  • To finish off try this Robot Addition Game – work your way up by  adding up to 10 first, then 15 and finally 20. Good luck!

Mrs Topping

P1 Monday 25th May – Literacy

Good morning everyone! Hope you had a good weekend. Looks like we are in for some lovely weather this week.

Let’s start the week off with some exercise with Joe.

Remember to have a rest and a drink before Literacy.

  • Today we will revise the ch sound
  • Sing along to the Jolly Phonics song and do the action:
  • Move your arms at your sides as if you are a train and say ch, ch, ch
  • How many words can you think of using the ch sound?
  • Remember the ch sound can come at the start or the end of a word   e.g   chip         rich
  • Watch and listen to this fun clip to learn more ch words

    • Now find the ch pages in your Jolly Phonics workbook and draw and colour 4 pictures using the ch sound
    • Trace then write the ch sound underneath
    • Now think of 6 good ch words and write them out 3 times in your neatest handwriting on the other side of the page
    • To finish Literacy tasks this morning an activity has been set for you on Education City
    • Click on
    • Click on P1 Literacy Folder
    • Cheeping Chicks Activity

I will check back in with you before numeracy.

Mrs Topping



P1 Friday 22nd May – Health and Well Being

Welcome back everyone!

If you have a big brother or sister try to listen in to our Friday Assembly on Teams, if not, then listen in to David Walliams at 11.00am for “Bad Dad”.

On a Friday at this time, we will begin to look at some areas of Health and Well Being.

This week, we will start off with ACHIEVING

  • Watch and listen to the clip below

  • Think about when you have learned to do something new or achieved a target
  • You might have learned to ride your bike, tell the time, bake a cake or something different
  • Share your achievements with  a family member and ask them to share some of their achievements with you

Record your achievement in some way. You could make a short video, take a photograph or draw a picture and we would love it if you could share it with us.

Thank you for all your hard work this week.

Have a lovely weekend and see you back here on Monday morning!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce




P1 Thursday 21st May – Numeracy

Hello again everyone! Hope you have written some super sentences using the sh sound.

Remember to tune into the next instalment of”Bad Dad”  with David Walliams at 11.00am

This morning we are going to continue with Tens and Units only today we will use the Ten Frame

  • Watch and listen to the Number Rap below

  • Now watch and listen the clip below
  • Next, record the answers to the activity sheet below in your jotter

Ten Frame to 20 (1)

  • Now see if you can subitize up to 20 and remember you only have 3 seconds to shout out your answer!

  • Finish off by playing Shark Numbers

Mrs Topping



P1 Thursday 21st May – Literacy

Good morning everyone! Hope you are well this morning.

Warm up for Literacy activities with Joe.

Remember to have a rest and a drink before starting Literacy tasks.

Today we will continue to revise the sh sound.

Here is a wee reminder of the sh song.

Can you remember the action?

  • How many sh words can you think of?

Watch and listen to the sh clip below

  • Try to identify as many words using the sh sound as you can – can you think of 10?
  • Share them with a family member
  • Complete the 3 sh activities on Study Ladder and remember to do the tutorial first
  • Now choose 3 sh words and write a sentence for each one on your jotter e.g. The ship sails on the sea.
  • Try to make your sentence more interesting by including an adjective and/or a connective – and, but, so, because, then  e.g. The big ship sails on the calm sea.
  • Remember to use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of each sentence
  • Don’t forget to write neatly


  • Here is an example of a Tongue Twister using sh words:
  • She sells sea shells on the sea shore
  • Can you make up your own Tongue Twister using sh words
  • It doesn’t need to make sense so have fun with it!!

I will check back in with you at 11.00am before numeracy

Mrs Topping