All posts by wlkaty.anderson@glow

P2/3 Book Week

Wow, what a great time P2/3 had during book week!  Not only did we have special visits from 3 authors but P2/3 became authors and illustrators themselves.  The children created a sequel to one of their favourite stories ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’.  P1/2 children were invited along to the book launch of ‘The Day the Crayons were Happy’.

The children were also kept very busy organising and running the book swap stall which proved to be very popular!

They also had great fun at the CAPER and P6/7 reading cafe getting all cosied up with some hot chocolate and marshmallows!

Welcome P2/3!

It is so nice to have our P2/3 children back and what a fantastic start to the year they have had!  This year we have decided that we are going to be real life superheroes and protect our rights in class.  We have been focusing on the right to play, the right to be protected and the right to an education.  The children came up with their own rules for in class and have all signed their names to show they agree to and understand the rules.  Our primary 3 children have been setting a very good example to the new primary 2s joining our class and have given them a very warm welcome!  Last year P3 won class of the year and earned a tuck shop, ice cream and even a photo booth opportunity!  I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the year ahead and we are more than ready to earn our dojos again!

Clay creatures, Beans and Beebots!

It’s still very busy in the primary 2 classroom as we approach the end of the last term.  During maths we have been learning about position and movement.  During this time we have created our very own Habitat Beebot mats for our Beebots to travel around.  The children worked very well together in teams and were able to give and follow instructions to send the Beebot to different places.   

One of our Primary 2 pupils took it upon themselves to make their very own creature using playdough as an addition to their reading homework.  This idea came from the non fiction reading book ‘Clay Creatures’.  Some of our primary 1 children were inspired by this clay creature and decided to make some too!

And finally… the lovely bean stalks that we planted last term have produced beans!  We were very impressed with the size of the beans and took them home to eat with our dinner! 

P2 Trip to Beecraigs

As part of our Animals and their Habitats topic we went on a trip to Beecraigs Country Park.  We went pond dipping with our very own handmade fishing net and managed to catch a tad pole and pond snails! We made our fishing nets using, a wire coat hanger, bamboo, duct tape and a pair of tights.  If you would like to make one to use during the summer holidays look at the RSPB website:

During our trip we made letters using natural materials and took part in a nature scavenger hunt where we looked for birds, flowers and insects.  We were lucky enough to meet a 3 day old Belted Galloway calf called Spot.

Animals and their Habitats points homework

The children in primary 2 have been extremely busy over the past 3 weeks producing fantastic homework related to their topic.  This term we decided to try something a little different with the homework and the results have been outstanding.  The children were given a variety of tasks to choose from and each task was worth a set amount of points.  The aim was to collect a minimum of 30 points, however, a lot of children enjoyed the tasks so much it was difficult to keep track of how many points they had!

Last week the children brought in all of their hard work and we invited each of the classes to come and view our presentations. Everyone was so impressed with all of our work but what was even more impressive was how much the primary 2 children could talk to others about their work.  The children were even able to teach the teachers a thing or two!  There was a variety of work on show including shoe box habitats, bird houses and feeders, puppets, handmade books, animal cakes and much much more.  Here are some of the photographs of their amazing work.  Another big well done primary 2, you should be very proud!

To celebrate all of our hard work we had a party with nibbles and games which we were lucky enough to have outside due to the (unusual) but fantastic weather!

Lovely Ladybirds

This term the children in primary 2 have been learning all about animals and their habitats.  Over the past 30 days we have been closely monitoring our very own ladybirds.  We made observations as they changed from larvae to pupae and from pupae to adult ladybirds.

Once the adult ladybirds had hatched we released them into our beautiful ladybird garden.  We made sure that we filled the ladybird garden with some of their favourite plants which were sure to attract their favourite meal; green fly!  We also provided them with shelter and painted some ladybird pebbles so that they had some friendly faces to make them feel welcome!  Did you know that roses, geraniums and nasturtiums will attract ladybirds to your garden?

However, we had a huge surprise today when one of ladybirds popped back into our classroom!  Luckily one of our children spotted it and we were able to rescue the ladybird by putting it safely back in the ladybird garden!


P2 Castles

Primary 2 worked incredibly hard last term and thoroughly enjoyed learning about castles.  The children did a fantastic job telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and sharing their learning about castles at their assembly.  They all looked fantastic in their royal costumes and enjoyed preparing food for their very own castle feast.

The children visited Stirling Castle where they were able to see the Great Hall and were lucky enough to sit in the royal chairs.  They also explored the Great Kitchens where they were able to see the food that was cooked and were surprised to see that children would have also worked in the kitchens during medieval times.


A very big well done to all the children in primary 2 for their hard work throughout this topic!  Below is just a small snapshot of some of the fantastic work that has been created.

P1 and P2 Dance Workshop

P1 and P2 were lucky enough to take part in a dance workshop last week.  The children were able to complete a full hip hop routine and even managed to add in some of their own freestyle dance moves!  I’m sure it is clear from the pictures that we have some very talented dancers in Blackburn Primary School!