Clay creatures, Beans and Beebots!

It’s still very busy in the primary 2 classroom as we approach the end of the last term.  During maths we have been learning about position and movement.  During this time we have created our very own Habitat Beebot mats for our Beebots to travel around.  The children worked very well together in teams and were able to give and follow instructions to send the Beebot to different places.   

One of our Primary 2 pupils took it upon themselves to make their very own creature using playdough as an addition to their reading homework.  This idea came from the non fiction reading book ‘Clay Creatures’.  Some of our primary 1 children were inspired by this clay creature and decided to make some too!

And finally… the lovely bean stalks that we planted last term have produced beans!  We were very impressed with the size of the beans and took them home to eat with our dinner! 

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