All posts by wlkaty.anderson@glow

P2/3 prepare for Blackburn’s Got Talent

p2/3 were lucky enough to have a visit from a fantastic guitarist – Miss Anderson’s brother!  The children really enjoyed getting the chance to ask questions about what it was like to perform in front of an audience and how it feels to play guitar.

Miss Anderson’s brother was kind enough to let all of the children have a go strumming his guitar and now they know how it feels first hand.

I’m sure the children will now feel inspired and more confident when auditioning for Blackburn’s Got Talent tomorrow! Good luck everyone!

Pics coming soon!

Rowanbank – Outdoor Classroom Day P2/3

We could not have had a better day to celebrate Outdoor Classroom Day with Rowanbank! The children enjoyed hunting for suitable sticks for the fire, played games and created a bird orchestra during story time.  The children learned to identify dock leaves to use in the event of a nettle sting!  As you can see they had to put this new skill to the test a few times!  However, a few nettle stings certainly didn’t put them off drinking some nettle tea later on!

P2/3 French baking

The children in P2/3 were making some yummy French cuisine today.  This was our first practise in preparation for entering the ‘linguachef’ competition.  As part of entering the competition the children will now have to write their own recipe and create a power point presentation.

We have decided to make ‘palmiers’ for this with a bit of a Scottish twist!  We won’t give away all of our secrets just yet but if you would like to try a simple palmier recipe then visit the link below!

See the source image

Maths Blast

The children in Miss Anderson’s Maths Blast class have been working so hard this term.  They managed to half their time when playing the game Buzz and in doing so earned themselves a Maths Blast party with a fractions theme!

After solving how much of their ingredients they would need by working out the fractions questions they thoroughly enjoyed making (and eating!) their pitta pizzas!

They then played pass the parcel with a fractions twist! each time the music stopped the children had to solve the fractions question on the paper before ripping off the paper!

If you would like to make some pitta pizzas over the easter holidays then all you need is pitta breads, tomato purée, cheese and whatever yummy toppings you fancy!

Spread some tomato purée over one side of your pitta, add your cheese and other toppings and pop in the oven at 180 for 10 minutes! Then… Enjoy!

P2/3 trip to the National Museum of Scotland

P2/3 had a fantastic time today at the National Museum in Edinburgh.  They were able to handle a variety of Viking items including weapons, everyday items and money.  The children also enjoyed a show inside the auditorium before exploring some of the galleries.  We even managed to sneak in a quick look at the very impressive T-Rex!

To quote one of our children today ‘This was the best day ever!”.

Read, Write, Count Survey for Parents P2/3

Last term the children  in primary 2/3 were given a Read, Write, Count bag with books and activities inside.  They are now looking for parents to provide feedback and let them know what you think about the activity bags.  Please follow the below link to complete the survey:

The Read Write Count website has fantastic ideas and resources for you and your child to enjoy together.  I would definately recommend having a look on here:

Winter Ready Activity P2/3

Below are some activities to complete in the event of the school being closed.  Of course, if the school stays open there is nothing to stop you from completing these activities after school!  I’m sure you will have lots of fun learning with these activities!


Mother and son hula hooping

Hoop it up!  Try with an adult or a friend to see who can keep their hula hoop going round for the longest time.  It’s much more tricky when you have lots of layers on for the cold weather!

Snow caterpillar

Cool critters! Use any natural materials that you can find to decorate your very own snow creatures!  Make sure you take a picture of your fabulous sculptures to share with your class when you come back!