All posts by Miss Cleland

A1’s Apple Crumble

A1 have enjoyed being back to school this week and have been super busy harvesting apples from the sensory garden. Last year we only had enough apples to make a pudding or two. However, this year we have had so many we decided we would love it if you would help yourself to a recipe sheet and a bag of apples when you are next in the school and treat yourself to some homemade apple crumble – yummy!

Christmas Post in A1

Well it is that time of year once again and A1 have been super busy preparing for the Christmas Post! We will be sorting and delivering all the letters to the pupils and staff in the school each day. Please ensure that you put the first name, surname and primary class on the envelope to help us when sorting your cards.

A1 – Cosy Reading Corner Launch!

A1 are so excited and ready to blast off to new adventures in a good book in our new cosy reading corner! The children have helped to set up some of the area and have already been enjoying using it before the launch of book week on November 27th. It has been quite a bit of work with even the adults lifting a paintbrush or two but I am sure you will all agree it looks like a great area to cosy up and read in. A huge thanks to Mr Hamilton & Master Hamilton for making us our amazing reading bench with space to store our books – it is just out of this world!


Welcome to A1

A1 have made a great start back to school and to the new school session. We have been out in the sensory garden picking apples that have been busy growing whilst we were on our holidays. We had lots of washing, peeling and chopping to do before making a scrummy apple crumble.

Mrs McLay thought it was delicious! All the other apples we couldn’t use we gave to Mr Warrick to feed to the horse.