Nursery online Wordboost sessions.

Wordboost exposes your child to more interesting words and helps to develop their vocabulary. This initiative involves parents and staff to work together to support their child to reinforce targeted words.

What are BOOST words? ‘Boost’ words are good words for helping your child with their talking, listening, reading and writing. We want your child to learn words like ‘enormous’ and ‘tiny’ so that they can use these as well as words like ‘big’ and ‘small’ .

Where do the BOOST words come from? The ‘boost’ words are taught through the context of a story. We will focus on 3-4 ‘boost’ words from the chosen story each week.

Why are we focusing on BOOST words? ‘Boost’ words help your child to explain their ideas and thoughts better when they are talking. ‘Boost’ words also help them to understand what they are reading. In the future, your child can use them in their writing to make their stories better too.

Wordboost not only helps children to understand what they are reading but also builds up their confidence.

I would like you to join us for an online session. You will have a chance to see what your child learns during the Wordboost.

During this uncertain time, the session would have to be presented online. We would use a safe platform to do so. If you decide to take part, an email with a link will be send to you in due course.

I have done an online session week beginning Monday 1st March. I plan to continue to do that on weekly basics. Sessions will not last longer than 40 minutes. If you would like to join please fill in the Wordboost questionnaire.

I will confirm the date and time once I have all questionnaires.

Hope to see you on online session!


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