Blackburn Primary Sport + Healthy Living Week

Hello everyone, I hope you are all keeping well.

This week there will be 4 challenges posted. There will be videos posted of a teacher completing the challenge and their score. It is then up to you to video yourself completing the challenge, record your score and submit it either via Teams for P4-7 or via email to for the P2/3’s.

The winner for each challenge will be announced at the end of the week. 

Along with with the sport challenges, there are lots of fun and exciting resources and ideas that you can try out at home to keep healthy and fit.

Today’s challenge is performed by Miss Hamill – HOW QUICKLY CAN BUILD A TOILET ROLL TOWER WITH ONLY YOUR FEET.

Time to beat – 27 seconds!

What you need

  1. 6 toilet tolls
  2. lots of space
  3. coordination
  4. speed

Healthy Living

  1. Record a food diary. Using the Eatwell Guide think about how healthy you are – could you be healthier? What changes could you make to your diet?
  2. Look at the PowerPoint then create a display that encourages personal safety & hygiene rules. Think about how you want to showcase your ideas (poster, PPT, animation, etc)
  3. Think about how we can promote healthy eating to others in our families and in our environment. How can we share with others the importance and the benefits of a healthy balanced diet?
  4. Create a weekly menu that has healthy food choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner for your household. Can you source all the ingredients you need and can you budget for your menu?
  5. Can you try making some of the foods from your menu and sharing them with your family? You could try some of the recipes in the post of try some of your own. This website give lots of yummy ideas to try

Super Healthy Pizza

Tomato & Vegetable Pasta

Creamy Tomato Soup


Sport Activities

A-Z Sport Challenge

Move at Home Activity Stations

Design a new sport

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