A1 and P1 Home Learning Tasks 15/06/20

Good Morning Boys and Girls!

Time to get active with Joe Wicks:

Our learning this morning is all going to be about ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’.  Let’s start with singing the song:

Have a look at pages 24 and 25 of the Exciting_Learning_Opportunities_Home_Learning_Collection booklet before starting our activities:

  • Research facts about frogs.  Start with reading ‘Fantastic Frog Facts’ on page 24.  Then use the internet to find out more facts.  Write down your findings in your jotter.

  • Draw 5 frogs and cut them out.  Let’s sing the song again but this time act it out using the frogs you have made.  You could use a chair, a cushion or a piece of wood outside for the log and if you can’t make your own frogs, you could use rolled up socks or a selection of cuddly toys.
  • Using your props, extend your learning by asking questions such
    as; “How many frogs would be left if 2 jumped in at the same
    time?” “What about if 4 more frogs hopped on the log?” etc.  Write your answers in your jotter.

Time to take a break… Fischy music will be going live for another virtual assembly at 11am.  Don’t forget to join in:

  • On page 25, you can see the life cycle of a frog.  Learn more about by going onto the BBC Bitesize Website:


  • In your jotter, draw your own diagram to show the life cycle of a frog and label it.
  • Time for some drama… describe how tadpoles move. Are they quick, rapid, speedy, fast?  Do they wriggle and dart about?  Try to imitate a tadpole!  What about frogs? Do they jump using their back legs? Try to jump like a frog!
  • After all your hard work, let’s cuddle up on the couch and listen to a story.  Listen out to the rhyming words:

  • Now, in your jotter, draw and label as many things as you can think of that rhyme with ‘frog’.

Remember to send in photos of your finishes work!  Before lunch time, why not head out to do the Daily Mile.  Have a look at the ‘Daily Mile At Home’ challenges:

Keep an eye on the blog this afternoon.  Laura and Maisie will be posting some fun activities for you to do!

Enjoy your morning,

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping



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