P1 and A1 Thursday 11th June – Literacy

Good morning everyone. Thursday again and time for some literacy activities!

First let’s warm up with Joe.

Remember to have a rest and a drink before reading.

Last week we were learning about  question words.

Which question words can you remember?

  • Listen to this fun song about the “Five W’s” to help

  • Can you think of any other question words?
  • Now watch and listen to the clip below.

  • Now open up the activity sheet below
  • Read the answers in each of the speech bubbles on the right
  • Ask a family member to help you

Questions activity

  • Next think of a question to match each of the answers
  • Try to use a different question word for each one
  • Draw 4 speech coloured bubbles in your jotter and write the correct question word for your questions inside

Finish off by choosing one of the fun question words games below


Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce

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