P1 Tuesday 19th May – Numeracy

Hello everyone and welcome back!

Listen in to “Bad  Dad”, with David Walliams at our usual milk and story time.


Today for number we will continue with learning our number bonds for 10.

  • Can you remember what a number bond for 10 is?

Watch and listen to this clip to help

  • A number bond for 10 means a pair of numbers that give the total 10.
  • How many number bonds for 10 can you think of?
  • You could use 10 beads, counters, cubes or something similar to help you work it out
  • Can you remember this rhyme from last week?

Number bonds for 10 Rhyme

  • In your jotter draw the ladybirds to show that the dots on each side add up to 10 as shown in the activity sheet below
  • Write each number bond for 10 underneath each ladybird

Number bonds for 10 ladybirds

  • To finish off play “Hit the Button” game to find the number bonds for 10
  • Click on the Green button – Number Bonds then click on Make 10


Mrs Topping




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