P1 Friday 8th May – Numeracy

Hello again! How many of those Tricky Words could you read?

If you have a big brother or sister why don’t you join them for our school Assembly at 11.00am on Teams.

If not, listen to a story with Elevenses by David Walliams and catch up with the Assembly Power Point Miss Clarkson will post on the blog later.


We have been looking at money and coins over the last few weeks.

Today we are going to try to work out how to give change from 10p

Watch and listen to this short clip.


  • To work out how much change we should get, we have to use our subtraction skills
  • If I had 10p and bought a sweet for 9p how much change should I get?
  • 10p – 9p = 1p


  • Use the Power Point below.
  • Move the correct number of 1p coins that is spent on the toys into the purse to identify the correct change
  • DO NOT use the power point as a slide show or you won’t be able to move the coins
  • Draw each toy in your jotter and record the subtraction calculation beside each one e.g. 10p – 6p = 4p or draw the correct amount of 1p coins beside each one

Change from 10p

Finish off by playing this game to work out the correct change


Thank you for all your hard work this week. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday morning!




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