There was a lad…….

ASD2 have been working hard since returning to school at the start of January.

As well as our core literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing lessons we have been doing a mini topic all about a Famous Scot – Robert (Rabbie) Burns. We completed a KWL grid, telling what we thought we knew about him and what we’d like to know as the topic progressed. We have found out lots of information using the internet, videos and books, have listened to some of his songs and poems and been learning to say other poems in the Scots’ Language.

As well as studying all about Rabbie, we experienced some of the food from a Burns’ Supper and by far the favourite food was haggis… the great chieftain o’ the puddin’ race itself! We also had great success making a clootie dumpling in a microwave and would like to share this recipe with you.Microwave clootie dumpling

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