
Primary 4a

This week were learning to experiment with water and materials and shapes. We were learning to work with a partner.
Our task was to make a Incey Wincey a shelter. We had to think about waterproof materials and shapes that the water would run off of. First of all we had to plan what we might do and then had to decide between us which design we were going to do. Then we had to build it. Sometimes things didn’t go to plan….
Kayleigh – Me and Freddie put the roof on ours and the pillars collapsed. So we got more glue and placed it on carefully.
Ellis – When me and Reece were trying to make the pillars for the roof the pillars bent and roof fell in. So then we took out the pillars and made sure they were the same size.
Robyn – When me and Charlie were trying to put the pillars on they kept falling down so we had to use more glue.
Caitlin – Me and Olivia made the roof too small so we had to make it bigger.
We then tested our designs. You will be pleased to know that Incey was built lots of shelters to keep him dry.

Please note – No spiders were hurt during our experiments!