Tag Archives: P3/2

P3/2 using writing and maths skills

Ranna – “I am making a thank you card for my mum.”
Amy – “I am making a welcome home card for my auntie.”
Katie – “I made a poster for a best friends club. (everyone can join)”
One of our homelearning tasks is to spot when we are using Maths in everyday tasks.
At the biscuit decorating Golden Time activity Alex said, “If Ross got 2 more mallows and I got 1 more, all four children at the activity would have 9 mallows each.”
Ross said, “If we were to have 10 mallows each, then I would need 3 more, Alex 2 more, and Catriona and Skye would both need 1 more.”
How many mallows were on the plate before the children began the activity?
Shared BIG start on Tuesday 17.5.16


We are using a storyline approach to learn about Bathgate.

Ross- We worked with a partner to make an item we wanted to include in our class park collage.

Catriona- We wrote story starts. We set the scene of the park. The main thing we had to let our reader know was WHERE but we needed to include who and what to help our reader picture the scene.

Ranna- We made KWL posters about Bathgate.

Katie – We have been learning about area

To help us get better and faster at doing sums in our head we used 10 frames and 100 squares to think about how far from ten or a tens number different numbers are.

All welcome to Celebrating success Thursday 12.5.16 at 1:30

P3/2 The P2 Show Tadpole Rag

Well done p2 what a fantastic Show. We loved the dress rehearsal and think the show was even better. We were so impressed with our classmates dressed in their costumes singing, dancing and speaking their lines clearly. I hope we were a quality audience.
“We were nervous,” said Katie “but we loved it.” “The best bit was giving the flower at the end,” said Rory “but it was all good”
In maths this week we began to learn about area. We linked it to the grass in a field and the carpet on a floor and this made it easy to understand what area is.
For a challenge we all choose to draw our 3 times table and colour in the rectangles. It was important to colour the rectangles because the edges are not the area the coloured part is. However the edges help us to measure the area. Knowing our 3 times table made counting the squares a quick job.
Remember you are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday. Have a fantastic time.